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We found a little sprinkle of brown sand, upon which grew a few scrubby trees and a species of cactus that spread out in clusters as large as a dinner-plate. The island is eight miles in length, and from one-fourth to three-fourths of a mile wide. The captain told us he should not leave until four o'clock, P.M., and we made use of our time accordingly.

He's crazy about you, so you be firm. Don't give in to him. Insist on his marrying you!" The thick dinner-plate fell to the floor with a crash. "Marrying him!" ejaculated Geraldine. "Sh! Sh! Oh, Miss Melody, hush!" Geraldine began to shiver from head to foot. The lover-like words and actions of her host seemed rushing back to memory with all the other repulsive experiences of past weeks.

Bower put no cloth on for him, and gave him a little plate, instead of a full-sized dinner-plate he began to eat. The fact that his wife was ill, that he had another boy, was nothing to him at that moment. He was too tired; he wanted his dinner; he wanted to sit with his arms lying on the board; he did not like having Mrs. Bower about. The fire was too small to please him.

Besides that, we used to have doughnuts, you don't know what doughnuts are here in Massachusetts; as big as a dinner-plate those doughnuts were, and well, a little hard, perhaps. They used to have it about in Bangor that we used them for clock pendulums, but I don't know about that.

High overhead the sky must have been cloudless, for we could see the moon, now and then, like a dim dinner-plate, when there was a moment's rift in the fog. "Just the night for a deed like this," said Mr. Daddles; "come on! But wait a minute there's no sense in being burglars way off at this distance, we'll be, let's see, we'll be smugglers, first, a gang of smugglers."

It was a pipe such as no smoker parts with during life, but bequeaths to his best-beloved son a pipe such as would make any man wish to have a Benjamin, but for the fear that the heir-presumptive might be exposed to unfair temptation, and the old man himself to grave peril. This nonpareil lies before me now, on an old, cracked dinner-plate, with my knife and tobacco.

#Carbuncle# may be looked upon as an aggregation of boils, and is characterised by a densely hard base and a brownish-red discoloration of the skin. It is usually about the size of a crown-piece, but it may continue to enlarge until it attains the size of a dinner-plate. The patient is ill and feverish, and the pain may be so severe as to prevent sleep.

A few poor little pink and yellow flowers showed stunted among the green where he had sowed the Artistic Bird Seed. And, towering high above everything else oh, three times as high as Dickie himself there was a flower a great flower like a sunflower, only white. "Why," said Dickie, "it's as big as a dinner-plate." It was.

Were his men sickening, the peccaries were always healthy without the camp, and the cockroaches within; just escaping from a she-jaguar, he satisfies himself, ere he flees, that the print of her claws on the sand is precisely the size of a pewter dinner-plate; bitten by a scorpion, he makes sure of a scientific description in case he should expire of the bite; is the water undrinkable, there is at least some rational interest in the number of legs possessed by the centipedes which pre-occupy it.

"Well, I think we may as well rise," announced Mr. Swift, after they had been on the bottom about an hour, moving here and there. "We didn't bring any provisions, and I'm getting hungry, though I don't know how the others of you feel about it." "Bless my dinner-plate, I could eat, too!" cried Mr. Damon. "Go up, by all means. We'll get enough of under-water travel once we start for the treasure."