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"Gentlemen, is there any spot out yonder in God's Acre, where violets, blue as the eyes that once smiled upon you, now shed their fragrance above the sacred dust of your dead darlings; and the thought of which melts your hearts and dims your vision?

These were the palmy days of the stage, when blank verse flourished, and every serious play had to begin like this: Scene. A place without. Rinaldo discovered dying. Enter Marco. Mar. What ho, Rinaldo! Lo, the horned moon Dims the cold radiance of the westering stars, Pale sentinels of the approaching dawn. How now, Rinaldo? Rin. Marco, I am dying, Struck down by Tomasino's treacherous hand. Mar.

She passed the silver moon, which was shining calmly down upon the world she had just left; she threaded her way in and out among the golden stars; on, on she went till she saw the beautiful radiant light that never dims, and heard the soft murmuring of sweet music, and smelled the delicious fragrance of Fairy-land.

And indeed this is the last and not the least gracious of the casual works of magic wrought by rain: that while it decreases light, yet it doubles it. If it dims the sky, it brightens the earth. Shallow lakes of water reiterate every detail of earth and sky; we dwell in a double universe.

There is this difference, however, that the embryos of worlds sprawl, gigantic and luminous, across the expanse; that the dark and mighty bodies of the dead rush, like the rest, at twenty or fifty miles a second; and that at intervals some appalling blaze, that dims even the fearful furnaces of the living, seems to announce the resurrection of the dead.

"Even our memories are gathered too with the sound of the ancient voices, the pleasant ancient voices that come to our ears no more; the very gardens of our childhood fade, and there dims with the speed of the years even the mind's own eye.

"Poverty dims the sheen of man whate'er his wealth has been, * E'en as the sun about to set shines with a yellowing light Absent he falls from memory, forgotten by his friends; * Present he shareth not their joys for none in him delight He walks the market shunned of all, too glad to hide his head, * In desert places tears he sheds and moans his bitter plight By Allah, 'mid his kith and kin a man, however good, * Waylaid by want and penury is but a stranger wight!"

These suppositions were so simple that M. Plantat wondered he had not thought of them before. But men do not see clearly in affairs in which they are deeply interested; passion dims the eyes, as heat in a room dims a pair of spectacles. He had lost, with his coolness, a part of his clearsightedness. His anxiety was very great; for he thought M. Lecoq had a singular mode of keeping his promise.

Tell him to come and fetch me, and drink some wine. There stands three days' allowance; in this hot weather it dims my sight. "Does the paraschites live to the north or south of the Necropolis?" "I think to the north. Paaker, the king's pioneer, will show you the way." "He!" exclaimed the student, laughing. "What day in the calendar is this, then? Many days are noted as lucky, unlucky, etc.

At last we reach a plank gallery carried along the face of the cliff above the rocks and pools, and following it round a projection of the cliff enter the sacred cave. The light dims as we advance; and the sea- waves, running after us into the gloom, make a stupefying roar, multiplied by the extraordinary echo.