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In this dilemma they are visited by a kind-hearted woman whose husband had been bookkeeper for the same firm, but was discharged for dishonesty. Her husband had gone to England on some business, and was now in Bombay, but sent money. Funds and supplies came regularly from this generous friend, but months ago these ceased.

"Guy Walsingham, your distinguished confrere or shall I say your formidable rival?" "Oh!" growled Dora Forbes. Then he added: "Shall I spoil it if I go in?" "I should think nothing could spoil it!" I ambiguously laughed. Dora Forbes evidently felt the dilemma; he gave an irritated crook to his moustache. "SHALL I go in?" he presently asked.

How then was he to get out of this tragic no-thoroughfare? Wherever he turned, he found the same insolvable dilemma; either a fatal illusion, or death without it. "I will accept neither the one nor the other." "Whether you accept it or no, you must yield for the way is barred." "Nevertheless, I shall pass through...." Clerambault was passing through a new danger-zone.

"But in any case I think you'd better not touch it, or you'll find yourself on the one horn or other of this dilemma; if she is coming the 'playing off' trick, why, that is despicable, and in fact not good enough; if she means business, why, you can't go begging to her for what she has given to the other Johnny without any begging at all. See?" "Oh, yes, I see," was the rueful rejoinder.

It is pathetic to think of the mediæval students poring over a single ill-translated sentence of Porphyry, endeavoring to extract from its clauses whole systems of logical science, and torturing their brains about puzzles hardly less idle than the dilemma of Buridan's donkey, while all the time, at Constantinople and at Seville, in Greek and Arabic, Plato and Aristotle were alive but sleeping, awaiting only the call of the Renaissance to bid them speak with voice intelligible to the modern mind.

"The discovery shocked, confused, and, perhaps, unsettled my reason. At first I knew not what to do. I prayed for death. I contemplated suicide. At length, I thought I saw a way out of my dreadful dilemma. It was to escape and to live apart from both forever. "So also thought the Count de Volaski. I consulted with him.

Or, to state the dilemma in another form: If he sets out with inconceivable propositions, then may he with equal propriety make all his succeeding propositions inconceivable ones may at every step throughout his reasoning draw exactly the opposite conclusion to that which seems involved.

An old man an old, sick, worn-out man!" "You are sure about the will?" demanded the nephew. "I have a copy of it," said Garcia, eagerly. "Here it is. Read it. O Madre de Dios! there is no doubt about it. I can trust my lawyer. It all goes to her. It only comes to me if she dies childless and intestate." "This is a horrible dilemma to force us into," observed Coronado, after he had read the paper.

"Martin explained our dilemma and asked if we might gain the highway without retracing our steps. The woman hesitated a moment, and then said, 'If you come through the gate and turn sharp to the right, you can go out across the apple orchard by taking down a single set of bars, only you'll have to lead your horse, sir, for the trees are set thick and are heavy laden.

After all, if the character of the newspaper man in The Doctor's Dilemma is machine-made, the much more important character of B.B., the soothing and incompetent doctor, is a creation of the true comic genius. Nine people out of ten harp on Mr. Shaw's errors.