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In this dilemma she prefers to die if she can thus save her son; but when Menelaus secures her he passes the child to his daughter to deal with him as she will. Betrayed and helpless, Andromache breaks out into a long denunciation of Spartan perfidy. Peleus, grandfather of Neoptolemus, hearing the tumult intervenes.

When on Tuesday morning, May 1, the eighth day, the convention once more met, the Douglas men, with a view to making the most of the dilemma, resolved to force the nomination of their favorite. But there was a lion in the path. Usage and tradition had consecrated the two-thirds rule. This sealed the fate of Douglas.

What a dilemma for a would-be-wise man to be placed in! I saw Julia waited for my opinion. "In fact," said I, hesitating, "I I do not exactly understand Italian." "Oh," said Julia, with the utmost naivete, "I have no doubt it is very beautiful in the translation."

It all boils down to the question of free choice and free will versus the benevolent determinism imposed by an omniscient and omnipotent being. A choice always involves a dilemma. It is the conflict between two equivalent states, two weighty decisions whose outcomes are equally desirable and two identically-preferable courses of action. Bees do not choose to make honey.

On the beach a company of Mexican soldiers were drawn up with a field piece, making ready to annihilate the little American company, as they could do without the slightest difficulty before the gallant sailors could land and make a charge. Here was a dilemma indeed. Nothing could extricate the boat and its crew from their peril and not a man could raise a finger to help himself.

'I feared so! sighed Mrs. Adister. 'Yet it says everything I wish to have said. It spares my brother and it does not belie me. The effect of a letter is often most important. I cannot but consider this letter very ingenious. But the moment I hear it is jesuitical I forswear it. But then my dilemma remains.

They did not love the city enough to set fire to it. Thus the ancient world was exactly in our own desolate dilemma. The only people who really enjoyed this world were busy breaking it up; and the virtuous people did not care enough about them to knock them down. It was the answer then, and I think it is the answer now.

She had longed for companionship, for music, for something to break the strain of her wild, lonely life. Knowing, or rather half-divining the risk, she had allowed herself to accept the chance of relief when it came. Lack of experience had played a large part in the making of to-night's dilemma. Hadria's own strange mood was another ally to her lover, and for that, old Mrs.

A nice dilemma! Either I must own that she deserted her mistress on her deathbed or tell a lie. When I put it to her in that way, she walked out of the house in dead silence. If she applies to you next, receive her as I did or decline to see her, which would be better still." "Why am I to decline to see her?" "In consequence of her behavior to your aunt, to be sure!

The laws concerning debt, in most countries, are so unmercifully severe, that I could not altogether disbelieve his statement; and my arrest, in the present circumstances, would have been a coup-de-grace to my father's affairs. In this dilemma, I asked Owen if he had not thought of having recourse to my father's other correspondent in Glasgow, Mr. Nicol Jarvie?