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Only one of the 114 could say he had been led to an elephant instead of a hive, like myself with the black rhinoceros mentioned before. I am quite convinced that the majority of people who commit themselves to its guidance are led to honey, and to it alone. On the 3d we crossed the River Mozuma, or River of Dila, having traveled through a beautifully undulating pastoral country.

The Mozuma, or River of Dila, was the first water-course which indicated that we were now on the slopes toward the eastern coast. It contained no flowing water, but revealed in its banks what gave me great pleasure at the time pieces of lignite, possibly indicating the existence of a mineral, namely, coal, the want of which in the central country I had always deplored.

At the River of Dila we saw the spot where Sebituane lived, and Sekwebu pointed out the heaps of bones of cattle which the Makololo had been obliged to slaughter after performing a march with great herds captured from the Batoka through a patch of the fatal tsetse. When Sebituane saw the symptoms of the poison, he gave orders to his people to eat the cattle.

DON PEDRO. ¿Qué entiendes de eso? ... dila que venga. DON PEDRO. Pues, y como le iba a usted diciendo, Sr. D. Eduardo, yo soy demasiado buen padre para pretender ... luego, ya voy a viejo, estoy viudo, no tengo más que esta hija ... a la que quiero como a las niñas de mis ojos ... no soy además amigo de lloros ni tristezas dentro de casa, y en suma....