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"No; but, if I mistake not," said a hussar officer opposite, "monsieur is in the way to become so. Were you not named to a troop, about half an hour ago, by the Emperor himself?" "Yes!" said I, with an effort to suppress my pride. "Diantre bleu!" exclaimed Tascher, "what good fortune you always have I I wish you joy of it, with all my heart. I say, Comrades, let us drown his commission for him."

He was looking over David's shoulder. He seemed not to have heard what the other had said, yet there had come a sudden gleam of exultation in his eyes, and he replied, still gazing toward the raft, "Diantre, m'sieu coq de bruyere may keep ze beeg word in hees mout'! See! St. Pierre, he ees comin' to answer for himself.

"That's what I say," answered the jailer, "those great folks does things their own ways." "Ma fistre, I believe you," ejaculated the centenier. "But for the Chevalier there, for a Frenchman, that is a man after God's own heart and mine." "Ah then, look at that," said Manon Moignard, with a sneer, "when one pleases you and God it is a ticket to heaven, diantre!"

He had never met this kind of man. "Que diantre!" he ejaculated, when he had come to his senses. "Yes, I will shake hands!" For several days after this Jean could see that Melisse made an effort to evade him. She did not visit Iowaka when he was in the cabin. Neither did she and Dixon go again into the forest.

Cornelia wrote me a grateful letter, full of enthusiastic praises of 'her pet, her darling, the dearest, sweetest, cutest little bird that ever anybody owned. And I was more than rewarded by the heartfelt thanks of my noble John Meavy. Diantre! had I only wrung the thing's neck! "Eh, bien! The period upon which I calculated for my grand speculative coup had nearly arrived.

"I do not feel at liberty to give you any information as to the number or the movements of our army." "Diantre! Diantre!" said he, slapping his boot with his horsewhip, "do you know what you've been saying there, eh? Cambronne, you heard him, did you?" "Yes, Sire, and if your Majesty would permit me to deal with him, I would have his information, if he possess any, and that ere long, too."

They clapped a lot of 'em in irons and sent 'em away to South America, and my father with 'em. That's why we heard neither click nor clack of him all this time. He broke free a year ago. Then he fell sick. When he got well he set sail for Jersey, was wrecked off the Ecrehos, and everybody knows the rest. Diantre, he's had a hard time!" The girl had listened intently.

Why, in particular, do you" here she indicated De Griers "come sneaking here with your goat's beard? And what do YOU" here she turned to Mlle. Blanche "want of me? What are YOU finicking for?" "Diantre!" muttered Mlle. under her breath, but her eyes were flashing. Then all at once she burst into a laugh and left the room crying to the General as she did so: "Elle vivra cent ans!"

They clapped a lot of 'em in irons and sent 'em away to South America, and my father with 'em. That's why we heard neither click nor clack of him all this time. He broke free a year ago. Then he fell sick. When he got well he set sail for Jersey, was wrecked off the Ecrehos, and everybody knows the rest. Diantre, he's had a hard time!" The girl had listened intently.

The peasant women's faces, as the bent figures staggered beneath a young fir-tree, were purple, but their smiles were as gay as the wild flowers with which the stones were thickly strewn. Their words also were as rough: "Diantre mais c'e lourd!" "E-ben, e toi, tu n' bougeons point, toi!"