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Gautier Giffart, Sire de Longueville, to thee is the gonfanon." "Beau Sire," answered Gautier; "par Dex, Merci. But my head is grey and my arm weak; and the little strength left me I would spend in smiting the English at the head of my men." "Per la resplendar De," cried William, frowning; "do ye think, my proud vavasours, to fail me in this great need?"

"Dex," he said softly, riding alongside, "where is the Señor Jim?" The big buckskin swung his head round and sniffed Ramon's hand. Then he plodded down the street toward the desert. At the tank Ramon let his horse drink. Dex, like a great dog, sniffed the back trail on which he had come, plodding through the night toward the spot where he knew his master to be.

The big horse raised its head. Waring spoke. Reassured, Dex plodded to his master, who turned and tracked back to the pocket in the rocks. "I think your cayuse has drifted south," he told Ramon. The young Mexican showed no surprise. He seemed resigned to the situation. "I knew when the señor said to turn my horse loose that he would seek the horses of his kind.

The woman had opened her eyes and was looking slowly about the group; she had pushed away the whiskey the doctor held to her lips, but she looked sick and seemed in pain. "I had just put the baby down when I heard Dex shout " Susanna could hear Mrs. Ellis saying behind her in low tones. "Oh, it is, it's an outrage they should have regarded it years ago," said another voice.

Here's the contense of three on 'em, which I've kep in my dex these twenty years as skeewriosities. Faw! I can smel 'em at this very minit, as I am copying them down. BILLY DOO. No. "Monday morning, 2 o'clock. "'Tis the witching hour of night. Luna illumines my chamber, and falls upon my sleepless pillow. By her light I am inditing these words to thee, my Algernon.

One while the Englishmen rushed on, another while they fell back; one while the men from over the sea charged onwards, and again at other times retreated. The Normans shouted 'Dex aie, the English people 'Out. Then came the cunning manoeuvres, the rude shocks and strokes of the lance and blows of the swords, among the sergeants and soldiers, both English and Norman.

"Oh, well, the world's round. There's a schooner outfittin' for Sibeery two years' cruise. Me an' Dex is figgerin' on gettin' out towards the frontier fer a spell." "Sure!" said Dextry. "I'm beginnin' to feel all cramped up hereabouts owin' to these fillymonarch orchestras an' French restarawnts and such discrepancies of scenery.

"Yes, but where's the money to do it with? McNamara has ours. My God! What a mess we're in! What fools we've been, Dex! There's a conspiracy here. I'm beginning to see it now that it's too late. This man is looting our country under color of law, and figures on gutting all the mines before we can throw him off. That's his game.

Lordships and lands to the living, glory and salvation to those who die under the gonfanon of the Church! On, to the cry of the Norman warrior; the cry before which have fled so often the prowest Paladins of Burgundy and France 'Notre Dame et Dex aide!" Meanwhile, no less vigilant, and in his own strategy no less skilful, Harold had marshalled his men.

Holy Crosse!" rose high above the flagging sound of "Ha Rou! Ha Rou! Notre Dame!" "Per la resplendar De," cried William. "Our soldiers are but women in the garb of Normans. Ho, spears to the rescue! With me to the charge, Sires D'Aumale and De Littain with me, gallant Bruse, and De Mortain; with me, De Graville and Grantmesnil Dex aide! Notre Dame."