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Ho there, Rou de Terni, as Hereditary Standard-bearer take thy right, and hold fast to yon holy gonfanon." "Grant merci," said De Terni, "not to-day shall a standard be borne by me, for I shall have need of my right arm for my sword, and my left for my charger's rein and my trusty shield." "Thou sayest right, and we can ill spare such a warrior.

Behind him flaunted the great gonfanon of Spain, and trump and cymbal heralded his approach. The Count de Tendilla rode by his side. "Senor," said Ferdinand, "the infidels fight hard; but they are in the snare we are about to close the nets upon them. But what cavalcade is this?"

William was willing to delay the engagement as long as he could; for he was not without hope that Harold might abandon his formidable position, and become the assailing party; and, moreover, he wished to have full time for his prelates and priests to inflame to the utmost, by their representations of William's moderation in his embassy, and Harold's presumptuous guilt in rejection, the fiery fanaticism of all enlisted under the gonfanon of the Church.

"See," said De Graville, "how near yon lonely woman hath come to the tent of the Duke yea, to the foot of the holy gonfanon, which supplanted 'the Fighting Man! pardex, my heart bleeds to see her striving to lift up the heavy dead!" The monks neared the spot, and Osgood exclaimed in a voice almost joyful: "It is Edith the Fair! This way, the torches! hither, quick!"

William was willing to delay the engagement as long as he could; for he was not without hope that Harold might abandon his formidable position, and become the assailing party; and, moreover, he wished to have full time for his prelates and priests to inflame to the utmost, by their representations of William's moderation in his embassy, and Harold's presumptuous guilt in rejection, the fiery fanaticism of all enlisted under the gonfanon of the Church.

Rolf smiled, as if pleased with a compliment which simpler men might have deemed, at the best, equivocal, and replied: "It is true, my liege; and gramercy, the air of England sharpens the scent; for in this villein and motley country, made up of all races, Saxon and Fin, Dane and Fleming, Pict and Walloon, it is not as with us, where the brave man and the pure descent are held chief in honour: here, gold and land are, in truth, name and lordship; even their popular name for their national assembly of the Witan is, 'The Wealthy. He who is but a ceorl to-day, let him be rich, and he may be earl to-morrow, marry in king's blood, and rule armies under a gonfanon statelier than a king's; while he whose fathers were ealdermen and princes, if, by force or by fraud, by waste or by largess, he become poor, falls at once into contempt, and out of his state, sinks into a class they call 'six-hundred men, in their barbarous tongue, and his children will probably sink still lower, into ceorls.

Ho there, Rou de Terni, as Hereditary Standard-bearer take thy right, and hold fast to yon holy gonfanon." "Grant merci," said De Terni, "not to-day shall a standard be borne by me, for I shall have need of my right arm for my sword, and my left for my charger's rein and my trusty shield." "Thou sayest right, and we can ill spare such a warrior.

Behind him flaunted the great gonfanon of Spain, and trump and cymbal heralded his approach. The Count de Tendilla rode by his side. "Senor," said Ferdinand, "the infidels fight hard; but they are in the snare we are about to close the nets upon them. But what cavalcade is this?"

"Hail to thee, King of England!" he said. "I bring the bull that excommunicates Harold and his adherents; I bring to thee the gift of the Roman Church, the land and royalty of England. I bring to thee the gonfanon hallowed by the heir of the Apostle, and the very ring that contains the precious relic of the Apostle himself! Now who will shrink from thy side?

"See," said De Graville, "how near yon lonely woman hath come to the tent of the Duke yea, to the foot of the holy gonfanon, which supplanted 'the Fighting Man! pardex, my heart bleeds to see her striving to lift up the heavy dead!" The monks neared the spot, and Osgood exclaimed in a voice almost joyful: "It is Edith the Fair! This way, the torches! hither, quick!"