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For the first two days the experiment was a failure. We were surrounded by heavy fogs; a southwest wind brought the outside pack upon us, and obliged us to haul up on the drifting ice. We were thus carried to the northward, and lost about twenty miles. My party, much overworked, felt despondingly the want of the protection of the land-floes.

No, indeed;" and for a moment the two young ladies sat down by the centre-table, looking despondingly at each other and at the flowers. "If I could only take the one I like best, it would be the easiest thing in the world; but, you know, all the other gentlemen would be offended then." "Which do you like best?" asked Jane. "Why this one, with the white camellias; it came from Theodore St.

He is about to leap out and fly, when the warning hand of the lawyer is laid upon his arm. Nobili shakes him off, but Guglielmi permits himself no indication of offense. Dejection and grief are depicted on his countenance. He shakes his head despondingly; his manner is dangerously fawning. He, too, has heard the dogs, the footsteps, and the whistle. He has drawn his own conclusions.

Many and eager voices resounded in various parts of the castle; numbers had thronged to the tower, with their own eyes to mark the approach of the enemy, and to report all they had seen to their companions below, triumphantly or despondingly, according to the temper of their minds.

And now, by their sad demeanor, you would have fancied that the pilgrim-lovers were seeking, not a temple of earthly joy, but a tomb for themselves and their posterity. "Where in this world," exclaimed Adam Forrester, despondingly, "shall we build our temple of happiness?"

I have felt very uneasy about you for some days past, and am afraid that all is not right at home." Whence came this sudden fear? Why at that particular time did his thoughts turn so despondingly towards those so dear to him? Why did the dark cloud in his mind hang so heavily above his home?

"I can't set the table yet, mother." "No, child; go off, and I'll see to the rest. If I can get folks up, at least," said Mrs. Mathieson, somewhat despondingly. Sunday morning that was a doubtful business, she and Nettie knew. Nettie went to her own room to carry out a plan she had.

The rock rested on a bedding of these; hence the exact fit, closing every crack and crevice. On completing his exploration Hamersley returned to his companion below. "Hopeless!" murmured Wilder, despondingly. "No, Walt; I don't think so yet." The Kentuckian, though young, was a man of remarkable intelligence as well as courage.

Then Rose, who held the paper in her hand, started up suddenly, approached the chimneypiece, and threw the letter into the fire, saying, with a timid air: "We must burn it quickly, or perhaps some great danger will ensue." "What greater misfortune can happen to us," said Blanche, despondingly, "than to cause such sorrow to our father? What can be the reason of it?"

This secret will be a fortune in itself will extort from his mean, avaricious soul, a portion of his ill-gotten wealth. Ha, my child! you did well and wisely, and may die in peace, without the stain of blood upon your soul. "Rachel shook her head despondingly. "'There is no peace, saith my God, for the wicked.