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"But," expostulated Shorty, "if you only go along with me you're actin' a lie. If you go out o' camp with mo you'll pretend to bo desertin' and j'inin' in with 'em. Seems to me that's jest as bad as tellin' a lie straight out." "Well," said the immovable Si, "I draw the line there. I'll go along with you, and they kin think what they like.

'No 'e ain't, or, if 'e's jolly, it's only because 'e thinks you're such a cod-fish you'll go swellin' 'is majority again. Stonor joined in that laugh. He rather liked the man. 'Yes, it's enough to make any Liberal "jolly" to see a sheep like you lookin' on, proud and 'appy, while you see Liberal leaders desertin' Liberal principles.

'Seems queer about 'im yonder desertin' at all. ''E'll be a bloomin' side queerer when I've done with 'im, said Ortheris. They were talking in whispers, for the stillness of the wood and the desire of slaughter lay heavy upon them. 'I make no doubt he had his reasons for desertin'; but, my faith! I make less doubt ivry man has good reason for killin' him, said Mulvaney.

I had a double-barrelled muzzle-loadin' shotgun, a present from Bull McGinty. Bull was all broke up at me desertin' the Dashin' Wave, but I promised to save all the Aranuka trade for him an' for nobody else, an' he stood off for Suva to get himself another mate. "At first it was great business bein' king, an' I enjoyed it.

Gawd don't look my way, if it ain't! I ain't desertin'. Who'd I desert to? They've all gone. I wanted a bath an' I swum the river. The regiment'll be over directly an' I'll rejoin. Take my oath, I will!" "You trot along out of this plundering mess," ordered the courier. "I'm thinking I'll drop you soon, but it won't be just here! Step lively now!"

Her father saw the struggle and the look, and blessed her for it with his eyes. Then he said: "You'll never blame me, Ruth, girl, will you? I know I'm desertin' you, little comrade, right in the mornin' of your battle with life. But you won't be afraid. I know you won't." The girl shook her head bravely, but it was clear that she dared not trust herself to speak.

Lot of 'em 'ud try it back to God's country 'f 'twasn't so far." "Would, huh?" Johnny yawned. "Ye-ah, and then the officers are mighty hard on the ones they ketch ketch desertin', I mean officers are; when they ketch 'em, an' they mostly do." "Do what?" Johnny tried to yawn again. "Ketch 'em! They're fierce at that." There was a knowing grin on the sergeant's face, but no wink followed.

How be you goin' to he'p it, onless you piles up shore-enough disgrace by desertin' them lancers of yours?" ""Which if we has the luck," says this Captain Edson, "to cross up with any Yanks who's capable of aimin' low an' shootin' half way troo, I'll find a way to dodge that goin' back without desertin'."

"Then what do you mean by desertin' them now?" the irate old woman retorted. "First you deserts your mother, and then your husband and children. You must go back to them as needs your care. I carried your mother in my arms before you was born, and if she wants anybody else now to look after her, let her just tell me so, and I'll be off in a brace o' shakes."

The men smiled as they listened and lay still, soaking in the warm leisure. Presently Learoyd, between the whiffs of his pipe "Seems queer about 'im yonder desertin' at all." "'E'll be a bloomin' side queerer when I've done with 'im," said Ortheris. They were talking in whispers, for the stillness of the wood and the desire of slaughter lay heavy upon them.