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What the mule did not do in that room to the dinner preparations was not worth doing and Scotty was peremptorily demoted for the loss of the men's dinner and put to tending mules instead.

He shook his head at the three youngest members of the crew. "You're in for a very dull time and it will serve you right. Give you a chance to learn your jobs so that when you come up for reassignment you can pick up some of those files you were just demoted. Now," he started briskly for the door, "I'll tranship to the Combine cruiser. I take it that you don't want to meet the Video people?"

There was the Army Engineer demoted from his life work because he fought for a free harbor for a great city and offended the railroad fighting to keep that harbor closed. There were the two Forest Service men dismissed for giving facts to the public. Then, there was the Alaska Case Wayland laughed; and the laugh was a little bitter.

"Monsieur Murphy gave me half of it but I traded it away." "Traded it?" "For a team of dogs to take you out. As for a divorce, Monsieur de Launay, there is a difficulty in the way." "A difficulty! What's that? All you have to do is establish a residence. I'm still an American citizen at least I never took steps to be naturalized in France. Perhaps that's why they demoted me.

But, aware of the futility of any suggestion, the risk of being demoted for any other faux pas, he bridled his impatience and held still.

Still, there were too many generals in the army to find place in a peace establishment, and many a distinguished soldier had been demoted when the emergency was over. Moreover, not one that Mr. Doolittle had ever heard of had been presented with such compensation as had this adventurer.

I was about to call for a volunteer for this perilous task, when warrant-officer Boivin, whom I had recently demoted for negligently allowing the Chasseur condemned to death to escape, got off his horse and coming to me said, rather than risking the life of one of his comrades, would I please permit him to carry out the mission, in order to redeem his mistake.

Christ is made to lose His good name, His office, and His glory, and is demoted to the status of a law enforcer, reproving, terrifying, and chasing poor sinners around. The proper office of Christ is to raise the sinner, and extricate him from his sins. Papists and Anabaptists deride us because we so earnestly require faith. "Faith," they say, "makes men reckless."

Then: "I'm demoted," Chet told the round-eyed man who stared unbelievingly at the vacant place on Chet's blouse. "The air's hot with orders for my arrest. I've got to get out, and I've got to do it quick." And now there was only a trace of the brogue in Spud's voice.

"You've been demoted ten files each on the list." Which must put him on the bottom rung once more, Dane calculated swiftly. Or even below though he didn't see how he could fall beneath the rank he held at assignment. However, he found the news heartening instead of discouraging.