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The creature was old, ugly, covered with old clothes that looked dirty and wicked. It had chicken's feathers in its hair and looked as though it would devour me. "'What do you want? she said. "'Mr. Boivin. "'What do you want of him, of Mr. Boivin? "I felt ill at ease on being questioned by this fury. I stammered: 'Why-he expects me. "'Ah, it is you who have come to luncheon?

After about five minutes of this occupation he called to Boivin; "Monsieur Boivin, would you be so kind as to help me put these creatures on my hook? Try as I will, I can't seem to succeed." Boivin raised his head: "Please don't disturb me, Monsieur Patissot; we are not here for pleasure!"

"Do as you wish," declared Boivin; "I am going where I am accustomed to go." He left. Patissot, displeased at his friend's actions, followed the fat gentleman. They ate together, exchanged ideas, discussed opinions and found that they were made for each other. After the meal everyone started to fish again, but the two new friends left together.

Patissot was going to speak, when his friend answered: "Fine!" The whole family smiled and settled down beside the fishermen. The Patissot was seized with a wild desire to catch a fish, just one, any kind, any size, in order to win the consideration of these people; so he began to handle his rod as he had seen Boivin do in the morning.

Patissot was going to speak, when his friend answered: "Fine!" The whole family smiled and settled down beside the fishermen. The Patissot was seized with a wild desire to catch a fish, just one, any kind, any size, in order to win the consideration of these people; so he began to handle his rod as he had seen Boivin do in the morning.

It took me ten minutes to water it and I was in a bath of perspiration. Boivin directed me: "'Here this plant a little more; enough now this one. "The watering pot leaked and my feet got more water than the flowers. The bottoms of my trousers were soaking and covered with mud.

We walked up from the mouth of the river, four preposterously long and rough miles, to the famous fishing-pool, "LA PLACE DE PECHE A BOIVIN." It was a noble day for walking; the air was clear and crisp, and all the hills around us were glowing with the crimson foliage of those little bushes which God created to make burned lands look beautiful.

"Do as you wish," declared Boivin; "I am going where I am accustomed to go." He left. Patissot, displeased at his friend's actions, followed the fat gentleman. They ate together, exchanged ideas, discussed opinions and found that they were made for each other. After the meal everyone started to fish again, but the two new friends left together.

Pansies, pinks, wallflowers and a few rose bushes were languishing in this well without air, and hot as an oven from the refraction of heat from the roofs. "'I have no trees, said Boivin, 'but the neighbors' walls take their place. I have as much shade as in a wood. "Then he took hold of a button of my coat and said in a low tone: "'You can do me a service. You saw the wife.

"I was hungry. I ordered an omelet. But to and behold, at the second glass of wine, that beggar, Boivin, lost his head, and I understand why his wife gave him water diluted. "He got up, declaimed, wanted to show his strength, interfered in a quarrel between two drunken men who were fighting, and, but for the landlord, who came to the rescue, we should both have been killed.