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She says nothing, but he knows that she knows, and so when she does something peculiarly extravagant and outrageous, he reaches meekly for his checkbook. For one man who is ruined by drink there are ten ruined by women; and not by the kind of women who are supposed to ruin men either; not by the street-walker, the chorus girl or the demi-mondaine.

"They say that you have given millions to the little demi-mondaine Suzette la Blonde and that you are crazy about her, Nicholas Did I see her on the stairs just now?" I frowned . She saw in a moment it was not the right line . "For that! it is nothing, Nicholas they are very attractive, those ladies one understands but your book and your secretary? hein?

"Because," said the demagogue, "I stood for those principles that have made us what we are and have endeared our Party to the great heart of the people. In a word I stood unflinchingly on the plank of popular representation." "And you?" said the Saint to her of the demi-monde. "I wanted money," said the demi-mondaine.

Ah! poor amico, how circumspect and repentant he had shown himself since that fit of brutal insanity! At first, to conceal his embarrassment, he had gone to spend three days at Naples, and it was said that La Tonietta, the sentimental demi-mondaine, had hastened to join him there, wildly in love with him.

He answered: "Whenever the centuries melt on the hills of Fate the river terribly floods." A demagogue and a demi-mondaine chanced to arrive together at the gate of Paradise. And the Saint looked sorrowfully at them both. "Why were you a demagogue?" he said to the first.