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Suppose, for instance, that the King had fallen in love with another demi-mondaine, and that had brought her to the apartment to notify Susy d'Orsel of his intention to break with her. Might not a quarrel have arisen between the two women and the new mistress, exasperated by some taunt, had thrown the unfortunate Susy d'Orsel out of the window?... That would be a commonplace enough story."

Some of the carriages had no coachman's box or driver, but were harnessed to four horses ridden by postillions in green satin or scarlet velvet, with white feathers in their caps. The only great demi-mondaine of whom I had hitherto caught a glimpse was the renowned Madame de Paiva, who had a little palace by the side of the house in which Froelich the painter lived, in the Champs Elysees.

Happily for him, his astonishing reserve did not excite the curiosity of the fashionable world, and was only discussed in the demi-mondaine regions. Two weeks later the handsome circus-rider, crippled by debt, wrote the following letter to Comte Paz, which, having fallen into the hands of Comte Adam, was read by several of the dandies of the day, who pronounced it a masterpiece:

I am then her Aunt so to speak the wife of a small shop keeper in Paris, you must know She adores me and I give all I can to St. Georges-des-Près . Georgine will be a lady and marry the Mayor's son one day ." Something touched me infinitely. This queer little demi-mondaine mother her thoughts set on her child's purity, and the conventional marriage for her in the future.

"Meet me here in an hour. I'll have everything arranged to spoil Paul Balcom's game," she whispered, as she swept out of the café with demi-mondaine majesty. Locke was elated at the thought of having won so powerful an enemy to his side. But, had he heard Dora's remark to Paul as she met him around a convenient corner, his elation would have given way to caution.

I simply know that such a creature exists." She said it defiantly and with an iciness which showed more plainly than in mere words that she scorned even an acquaintance with a demi-mondaine. "Do you suppose the Duc de Chateaurouge would be able to identify her? "asked Kennedy mercilessly. "One moment, please," he added, anticipating the blank look of amazement on her face.

And I take refuge in dilettantism, in what a pedant would call demi-mondaine philosophy, as a shelter against the pedantry of specialists, against the philosophy of the professional philosophers. And who knows?... Progress usually comes from the barbarian, and there is nothing more stagnant than the philosophy of the philosophers and the theology of the theologians. Let them talk to us of Europe!

Selwyn nodded and looked at the ragged clippings in his hand: 'ATTEMPTED MURDER IN WEST END. 'WELL-KNOWN NOBLEMAN ATTACKED BY PEER'S SON. 'QUARREL OVER DEMI-MONDAINE. 'Gad, those are juicy lines, aren't they? said Maynard. 'Won't some of our worthy citizens lick their chops over them, and point to the depravity of the upper classes? Do you know Dick Durwent?

She was far too well-born to be that in these great days of the demi-mondaine. She remembered Robin Pierce's warning at the Arkell House ball "Consider yourselves enemies for no reasons or secret woman's reasons. It's safer." When do women want the bulky, solid reasons obtusely demanded by men before they can be enemies?

The difficulty in these great expenditures is that they set a pace. To many women of wealth they are no doubt revolting. They recognize that there are only two classes of women who can justify them the actress and the demi-mondaine. Yet insensibly many of these women yield to the pressure of temptation. The influence is subtle, often unconscious, and for this reason spreads the more widely.