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Happy the eyes that behold you," I exclaimed, seizing and shaking his hand, pretending to be overjoyed at the meeting. In a moment he recovered his usual self-possessed manner, and when I asked after Dona Demetria he answered after a moments hesitation that she was in very good health.

In oppressive silence we consumed the roast and boiled meat set before us; for I dared not hazard even the most commonplace remark for fear of rousing my volcanic host into a mad eruption. When we had finished eating, Demetria rose and brought her father a cigarette. It was the signal that supper was over; and immediately afterwards she left the room, followed by the two servants.

If you have any compassion for me you will leave me now." "What, leave you, Demetria, my sister, to that man how can you imagine such a thing? Tell me, where is Don Hilario is he coming back to-night?" "I know nothing. He may come back at any moment. Leave me, Richard; every minute you remain here increases your danger." Then she attempted to draw away from me, but I would not release her.

When you think of that man whose persecutions have made your life a burden, so that you tremble when he approaches you, do you not feel glad that I have come to take you away?" "Richard, I could go willingly with you to-night but for one thing. Do you think after what has passed that I could ever face your wife?" "She will know nothing of what has passed, Demetria.

And poor Demetria, driven by her weary, desolate life and torturing fears to make in vain this unwomanly proposal to a stranger! And, after all, it was not unwomanly; for in all countries where they are not abject slaves it is permissible for women in some circumstances to propose marriage.

This he did to make friends of the reigning party, when the Blancos had lost everything. Now he wishes to marry Dona Demetria to make himself owner of the land. Don Calixto is dead, and who is there to bell the cat? Even now he acts like the only owner; he buys and sells and the money is his.

La Tapera, a native estancia Don Gregorio Gandara His grotesque appearance and strange laugh Gandara's wife and her habits and pets My dislike of hairless dogs Gandara's daughters A pet ostrich In the peach orchard Gandara's herds of piebald brood mares His masterful temper His own saddle-horses Creating a sensation at gaucho gatherings The younger daughter's lovers Her marriage at our house The priest and the wedding breakfast Demetria forsaken by her husband.

"If you fear his returning to-night, then it is time for you to come with me," I answered. "No, no, no, I cannot. All is changed now. It would kill me with shame to look on your face again." "You shall look on it again many times, Demetria. Do you think that after coming here to rescue you out of the coils of that serpent I am going to leave you because you are a little timid?

Saddling my two animals expeditiously, I rode to Peralta's estancia, and on arriving there carefully drew the horses into the shadow of a clump of trees growing on the borders of the ancient, wellnigh obliterated foss or ditch. I then dropped on to the ground so as to listen better for approaching footsteps, and began waiting for Demetria.

After removing the handkerchief from her face, she continued silent and with eyes cast down, looking very pale and troubled. "Demetria," I said, "tell me how I can serve you? I cannot guess the nature of the trouble you speak of, but if it is one I can help you out of, speak to me without reserve." "Perhaps you can help me, Richard. It was of this matter I wished to speak this evening.