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Going down to the harbour, I found the captain of a small schooner trading between Montevideo and Buenos Ayres, and, learning that he intended leaving for the last port in three days' time, I bargained with him to take us, and got him also to consent to receive Demetria on board at once. I then sent a message to Mr.

"Come, Don Hilario," I said, "we are close to my aunt Isidora's house, where I am staying, and it will give me great pleasure to present you to my wife, who will be glad to thank you for your kindness to me at the estancia." "Your wife, Don Ricardo! Do you tell me that you are married?" he exclaimed in amazement, thinking probably that I was already the husband of Demetria.

Dona Demetria, though she sat with us, scarcely contributed a word to the conversation; while the long-haired man Santos by name, and the only peon on the establishment smoked his cigarette and sipped his mate in absolute silence.

"Oh, Richard, are you deceiving me?" she exclaimed, suddenly dropping her hands and gazing full into my face. "No, I am not deceiving you. And now you will lose all fear, Demetria, for you have looked into my face again and have not been changed to stone." She turned crimson in a moment; but did not attempt to cover her face again, for just then a clatter of hoofs was heard approaching the house.