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Her words awoke an echo in Mr Cupples's conscience, but he returned no reply. "Hoo's Alec?" he asked. "Some better. He's growin' better, though it's langsome like." "And do they lippen you to luik efter him, no?" "Ay. What for no? His mither wad be worn to deith gin she sat up ilka nicht. He canna bide ouybody but her or me."

"You wud hae thocht that every meenut was an hour," said Jamie Soutar, who had been at the threshing, "an' a'll never forget the puir lad lying as white as deith on the floor o' the loft, wi' his head on a sheaf, an' Burnbrae haudin' the bandage ticht an' prayin' a' the while, and the mither greetin' in the corner.

Nae doobt they said 'at wad hae't they kent,'at hoo that's the w'y wi' deith frae slayin' wi' the swoord; but I wadna hear o' 't; I kenned better. An' whether he had fair play or no, the deith he dee'd was a just ane; for them 'at draws the swoord maun periss by the swoord.

Ye savit Flora Cammil, and young Burnbrae, an' yon shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, an' we were a sae prood o' ye, an' pleased tae think that ye hed keepit deith frae anither hame. Can ye no think o' somethin' tae help Annie, and gie her back tae her man and bairnies?" and Tammas searched the doctor's face in the cold, weird light.

An' fowk maun ait an' live nane the less 'at the maitter they come upo' be deith; an' sae the nicht afore the yerdin', their denner the neist day whan they cam back frae the grave, had to be foreordeent. "It was i' the spring-time o' the year, unco late i' thae pairts.

'I hae buried my best frien' but yersel', grannie, he said, as he took a chair close by her side, where he used to sit when he read the Bible and Boston to her. 'I trust he's happy. He was a douce and a weel-behaved man; and ye hae rizzon to respec' his memory. Did he dee the deith o' the richteous, think ye, laddie? 'I do think that, grannie. He loved God and his Saviour.

Alec burst into a loud roar of laughter. For there was the little man standing in his shirt, shaking a trembling fist at him, stammering with eagerness, and half-choked with excitement. "Gang to yer bed, Mr Cupples, or ye'll tak' yer deith o' cauld. Luik here." And Alec seized the bottle once more.

"I did not," answered Cosmo; "but all the same " "The Lord be praised for his abundant an' great mercy!" cried Grizzie, more heartily than devoutly. "We may contrive to win ower the twa poun', even sud ye no work it oot; but fifty! the Lord be aboot us frae ill! so sure's deith, ye wad hae had to tak the lass! Cosmo, ye canna but ken the auld tale o' muckle-moo'd Meg?" "Weel that," replied Cosmo.

Falconer, the first greetings over, 'ane 's ta'en an' anither 's left! but what for 's mair nor I can faddom. There's that fine young man, Maister Ericson, at deith's door; an' here am I, an auld runklet wife, left to cry upo' deith, an' he winna hear me. 'Cry upo' God, grannie, an' no upo' deith, said Robert, catching at the word as his grandmother herself might have done.

Min' ye, there's a knowledge that worketh deith." Alec laughed not scornfully but he laughed. "Ye may lauch, Alec, but it's a sair trowth," said the mason. Alec held out his hand, for here their way diverged. Thomas shook it kindly, but walked away gloomy. Arrived at home, he shut to his door, and went down on his knees by his bedside. When Jean came with his supper she found the door fast.