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As John came nearer, the man saw his lips moving, and heard sounds issue from them; but as he passed, nothing was audible but the same words repeated several times, and with the same expression of surprise and joy as if at something for the first time discovered: "Eh, Lord! Eh, Lord, I see! I un'erstaun'! Lord, I'm yer ain to the vera deith! a' yer ain! Thy father bless thee, Lord!

'Mr. Ericson! exclaimed Robert. 'Ye'll get yer deith gin ye stan' that gait i' the weet. 'Amen, said Ericson, turning with a smile that glimmered wan through the misty night. Then changing his tone, he went on: 'What are you after, Robert? 'You, answered Robert. 'I cudna bide to be left my lane whan I micht be wi' ye a' the time gin ye wad lat me.

Gien ye forget them, there's nae houp for them, but the same deith 'ill keep on swallowin' at them upo' sea an' shore." "Ye speyk the trowth as I ha'e spoken't till mysel', Peter. Noo, hearken: will ye sail wi' me the nicht for Lon'on toon?" The fisherman was silent a moment then answered, "I wull, my lord; but I maun tell my wife."

The miller rejoined: "You or me, Thomas, wad see bairnie an' wheelie alike safe, afore we liftit the sluice. The Lord micht hae managed ohn ta'en awa' my mull." "Yer mull's nae doon the water yet, Simon. It's in some extremity, I confess; but whether it's to be life or deith, none kens but ane. Gang hame, man, and gang doon upo' yer knees, and pray."

From that hour to his death he spoke the rugged dialect of his fathers. A day or two after this, Robert again sitting by his bedside, 'I dinna ken, he said, 'whether it's richt but I hae nae fear o' deith, an' yet I canna say I'm sure aboot onything.

A' peetied him wi' Tammas lookin' at him sae wistfully, as if he hed the keys o' life an' deith in his hands. But he wes honest, and wudna hold oot a false houp tae deceive a sore hert or win escape for himsel'." "Ye needna plead wi' me, Tammas, to dae the best a' can for yir wife.

Ye savit Flora Cammil, and young Burnbrae, an' yon shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, an' we were a sae prood o' ye, an' pleased tae think that ye hed keepit deith frae anither hame. Can ye no think o' somethin' tae help Annie, and gie her back tae her man and bairnies?" and Tammas searched the doctor's face in the cold, weird light.

Some said he had sellt himsel' to the deevil, but I'm thinkin' that wasna necessar'. He was to get him ony gait! An' wad ye believe't, it's baith said and believt 'at he cam by's deith i' some exterordnar w'y, no accoontable for, but plainly no canny. Ae thing's sure as deith itsel', he was ta'en suddent, an' i' the verra hoose whaur, mony a lang year afore, he commitit the deed o' darkness!"

I used to love the churchyard best in the evening, when the past was more to me than the future; now I visit it almost every bright summer morning, and only occasionally at night." "But, sir, isna deith a dreidfu' thing?" said Malcolm. "That depends on whether a man regards it as his fate, or as the will of a perfect God.

There's a knock that canna be mista'en, an' a' heard it last night. A've focht deith for ither fouk mair than forty year, but ma ain time hes come at laist. "A've nae tribble worth mentionin' a bit titch o' bronchitis an' a've hed a graund constitution; but a'm fair worn oot, Paitrick; that's ma complaint, an' its past curin'."