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"Your brother, Miss Lynch, is determined to bring this matter before a jury at the assizes, for the sake of protecting you and your property." "Protecthing Anty Lynch! is it Barry? The Holy Virgin defind her from sich prothection! a broken head the first moment the dhrink makes his heart sthrong enough to sthrike her!"

Mistress Catherine Rooney, and all you good people, there is a great deal of difference between obtaining information and encouraging common informers. Catty. There is, I'm sinsible. 'Twas O'Blaney's fau't but he's down, and don't trample on the fallen. Old McB. Don't defind O'Blaney! Oh! the villain, to rob me of all my hard arnings. Mrs.

An' shure there's a ghost in this house Holy Mother defind us!" and Katie piously crossed herself in real terror. "A ghost, Katie! I'm ashamed of you. It is only the wind. It blows here fearfully. You might turn a regiment loose in the house, and they could scarcely make more noise than these big, rattling windows."

"May the Holy Mother defind him!" cried a voice in the crowd. "He's the praist of me Tim!" "The fraud!" cried another; "he's as bad as the rist! Nary a per cint. would he give me yesterday!" "Hush, ye blatherskite!" hissed another. "Give the lad a chance; he's a-talkin'!" Yes, Job was talking. He did his best.

He tells me that undher th' rights guaranteed to me be th' Constitution, which Gawd defind an' help in these here days, an' me liquor license, I'm entitled to stick me tongue in me cheek, wink, roll up me nose, wiggle me hands fr'm me ears, bite me thumb, or say 'Pooh' to any black-an'-tan I meet. "Thin what happens?

What would you do, yourself, if you were to marry a native woman, and couldn't speak to her afterwards." "The saints defind us!" Tim exclaimed; "and what put such an idea in yer head, Corporal?

'twas nawthin' a man cud make more thin a column iv. 'Twas th' ac-cursed janitor goin' in to open th' degraded windows. Abase th' janitor, abase th' windows! Fear followed uncertainty. No wan knew what moment he might be called upon to defind his life with his honor. Suddenly th' brutal polisman who sthud on gyard waved his hand. What cud the brave men do?

"I will defind it wid me life!" he exclaimed. In the meantime the colonel had filled his mug. "Gentlemen," he said, solemnly, after raising it to his lips, "O'Grady is right; it is Irish whisky, and good at that." "It is a cruel trick you've played on us," O'Grady said, with a sigh, as he replaced the empty mug upon the table.

"Shure, yer honor, the sight of such bastes is enough to turn a Christian man's blood." "The spider had no idea of attacking you, Kelly," Peters said, laughing. "It might possibly bite you in the night, though I do not think it would do so; or if you took it up in your fingers." "The saints defind us, yer honor! I'd as soon think of taking a tiger by the tail.

Whin th' Fenians come back fr'm Canada in a boat an' landed in th' city iv Buf-falo, New York, they was all run in; an' sare a lawyer cud they get to defind thim till this here Cleveland come up, an' says he: 'I'll take th' job, he says.