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In spite of much nonsense that has been written and talked, Wagner never sacrificed beauty. Those foolish tales which I used to read in my youth of how Wagner appropriately, if daringly, sustained discords through long discordant situations what are they but the blatherskite of long-tongued persons who could talk faster than they could think? Wagner would not sacrifice beauty.

"May the Holy Mother defind him!" cried a voice in the crowd. "He's the praist of me Tim!" "The fraud!" cried another; "he's as bad as the rist! Nary a per cint. would he give me yesterday!" "Hush, ye blatherskite!" hissed another. "Give the lad a chance; he's a-talkin'!" Yes, Job was talking. He did his best.

In the end, the "North State" volunteers were routed, their cannon silenced or broken, and seven hundred of their number captured. The Federals lost a large number of men killed, and the wounded upon both sides, were numerous. The Confederate Major was of the class referred to in polite American parlance, as a "blatherskite."

"Think of the smartness and coolness of that blatherskite! He put up that scheme on us and reasoned out what we would do, and we went ahead and done it perfectly exact, like a couple of pudd'nheads. He set there and took his own time to unscrew his heelplates and cut out his plugs and stick in the di'monds and screw on his plates again.

Only, unfortunately, instead of brushing away traditions and going back to the vital conception of Mozart, they sought to modernise it, to convert it into an early Wagner music-drama. The result may be seen in any performance at Covent Garden. The thing becomes a hodge-podge, a mixture of drama, melodrama, the circus, the pantomime, with a strong flavouring of blatherskite.

Sorry though I shall be, thought Polly, dear Ned had better not come to the house so often in future. I wonder if I need tell Richard why. Jerry was on pins and needles, and even put Trotty ungently from him: Richard would be so disgusted by Ned's blatherskite that he would have no patience left to listen to him. Mahony kept his nose to his book. As a matter of principle.

No young fellow in that great rendezvous dared to embellish his narrative in the slightest degree, on pain of being posted as a double-adjective blatherskite; for his audience was sure to include a couple of critical, cynical, iron-grey cyclopedias of everything Australian everything, at least, untainted by the spurious and blue-moulded civilisation of the littoral.

There may be shades of difference, but these can easily be too fine for detection by the incompetent eye of the passing stranger. In the larrikin he will not be able to discover a new species, but only an old one met elsewhere, and variously called loafer, rough, tough, bummer, or blatherskite, according to his geographical distribution.

In particular we may guess that the blatherskite Jew, Spiegelberg, with his swaggering self-conceit and his bestial vulgarity, was copied to some extent from life, though nothing definite is known of his original. Taken as a whole the robbers form a picturesque company, each with his own character.

The show is said to have cost $25,000, but what care I? Voila! tout coalscuttle! I'd roast it if it cost $50,000, otherwise how could I make good? Voila! tout blatherskite! But to return to our muttons. I went out after the first act and never did go back great joke on the show, wasn't it? Oh! la, la, la! Still I insist that Tottie Coughdrop looked like a ham sandwich. Voila! tout fudge!"