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By the advice o' Truefoot Tickle, and Badger, she made it so that you shouldn't touch the money till you come to be twenty-one, `for, says she, `there's no sayin' what bad men will be runnin' after the poor thing an deceivin' her for the sake of her money before she is of an age to look after herself. `Yes, thought I, `an' there's no sayin' what bad men'll be runnin' after the poor thing an' deceivin' of her for the sake of her money after she's of an age to look after herself, but I didn't say that out, for your mother was excited enough and over-anxious about things, I could see that.

Bishopriggs evidently under the impression that the case before him was a case of elopement, with Sir Patrick mixed up in it in the capacity of guardian addressed himself, in friendly confidence, to Anne. "My certie, mistress! it's ill wark deceivin' Sir Paitrick, if that's what ye've dune. Ye must know, I was ance a bit clerk body in his chambers at Embro "

"Which I might have knowed it, sir, only I think as how the man that did the stampin' might have done it in plain English. I don't hold with these foreign lingos, sir; there allers seems something sly and deceivin' about em. No right man 'ud ever think 'fur' meant 'thief'! Thief an' all, sir, he's dead. Mr.

Mothers hedn't hardly ought to name their boy babies Claude without they expect 'em to play the dickens with the girls. I don' know nothin' 'bout the fust Claude, there ain't none of 'em in the Bible, air they, but whoever he was, I bate ye he hed a deceivin' tongue.

"They're coming!" he said to Sergeant Williams joyfully. "I hear the sound of a trumpet out on the plain!" "I don't," said the sergeant. "It's your hopes that are deceivin' you. No, by Jove, I think I do hear it! Yes, there it is! They're comin'! They're comin'!"

"Ain't he the hell-cat?" demanded Boogles, mopping a brow that Daniel Webster would have observed with instant and perhaps envious respect. "I been a holy terror in my time, all right, all right!" admitted the hero. "Never think it to look at me though. One o' the deceivin' kind till I'm put upon; then good-night!" "Jest like that!" murmured Boogles. "Buryin' ground that's all."

They had gone a good two miles before Mary’s patroness broke the silence with, "Nothing plumb stampedes my temper like that Rodney outfitold Sally buckin’ an’ pitchin’ in her rockin’-chair same as if she was breakin’ a bronco, an’ that Eudory always corallin’, deceivin’, and jiltin’ one outfit of men after another.

A clatter of sharp, quick voices rose from a group of Negro soldiers gathering around a white man. No one could tell the cause of the quarrel. It might have been anything from an oath to a blow. "Watch him," said Harrigan. "He looks like a man." He added plaintively: "But looks are deceivin'." The center of the disturbance appeared to be a man indeed.

Then a man give us a lift on his team part o' the way, an' we walked the rest. It didn't look very fur, but they say mountains is deceivin'. There 's somethin' kind o' grand about 'em, I reckon; it makes everything 'pear sort o' small." Mrs. Brandt told Joel about it that evening.

They can't tell their symptoms, nor how they feel; and that's why it's harder to be a cow doctor than a doctor for humans. You've got to go by the looks, and looks is deceivin'. If I could only ask the critter how she feels, and where she feels worst, I might have some guide to go by. Not but I've had my luck. There's more'n one of 'em I've saved, if I do say it myself."