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If he did not thrash Tommy now, his reputation would be entirely ruined. "Darsen't I?" exclaimed he. "Come back here;" but as Tommy did not come, he ran up behind him, and aimed a blow at the side of his head.

"I lent it off of Elviny Dinkleberger!" she sobbed. "You know I tole you a'ready you darsen't bring books home! And you know I don't uphold to novel-readin'! I 'll have to learn you to mind better 'n this! Where d' you get that there candle?" "I bought it, pop." "Bought? Where d'you get the money!"

Ther's Injuns out most every night, an' they are lyin' this side o' the fort. They're all about it, an' them soldier-fellers ain't wise to it. What's more we darsen't to put 'em wise. They're li'ble to butt right in, an' then ther' won't be any stoppin' them pesky redskins. Y' see ther's only a handful at the fort, an' the Injuns could eat 'em."

But I guess you won't have no nice smooth bar bit. Dey checks 'em, an' dey bangs deir tails, an' dey bits 'em, de city folk, an' dey says it's English, ye know, an' dey darsen't cut a horse loose 'ca'se o' de cops. N' York's no place fer a horse, 'less he's on de Belt, an' can go round wid de boys. Wisht I was in de Fire Department!"

He turned to do so, and walked several steps down the alley, though he kept one eye over his shoulder to guard against accidents. "Hit him, Johnny!" cried one of the vagabond troops that followed in the train of the bully. "He darsen't fight," replied Johnny. "Nor you, nuther," added another of the supporters. This was too much for Johnny. It cut him to the quick, and he could not stand it.

"Thou darsen't for thy life go near a court with me, and the first clerk who tries to put me out, danged if I don't pound half the life out of him and thee. I'm stayin' here comf'able until I get my money."

Now, Doctor, how can you tell this fog is booked for the twelve o'clock train? Is there a Bradshaw for weather?" "Yes," said he, "there is, do you hear that?" "I don't hear nothing," sais I, "but two Frenchmen ashore a jawing like mad. One darsen't, and t'other is afraid to fight, so they are taking it out in gab they ain't worth listening to. How do they tell you the weather?"

Have you heard that we've lost a secretary at this place? I mean the future Mrs. Bob. Yes, she's gone. I'd as soon have thought of the court-house being picked up and set in the parlor." Mrs. Jefferson drew back and said succinctly, "Fran did it!" Her cap quivered as she leaned forward again. "Get her to tell you all about it. We darsen't speak about it much because of the neighbors.

Pop says I darsen't bring 'em home." "What you can't learn in school, you can do without," Tillie's father had said. "When you're home you'll work fur your wittles."

There was a man frum down the coast told me once he was in a schooner where they darsen't ever blow a horn to the dories, becaze the skipper not the man he was with, but a captain that had run her five years before he'd drowned a boy alongside in a drunk fit; an' ever after, that boy he'd row along-side too and shout, 'Dory! dory! with the rest."