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It seemed that they might be appropriate to the time and place, but he had no more than mentioned the title when Disko brought down one foot with a bang, and cried, "Don't go on, young feller. That's a mistaken jedgment one o' the worst kind, too, becaze it's catchin' to the ear." "I orter ha' warned you," said Dan. "Thet allus fetches Dad."

There was a man frum down the coast told me once he was in a schooner where they darsen't ever blow a horn to the dories, becaze the skipper not the man he was with, but a captain that had run her five years before he'd drowned a boy alongside in a drunk fit; an' ever after, that boy he'd row along-side too and shout, 'Dory! dory! with the rest."

Wonnell, if I was white I would look at you. 'I believe you would, says I, 'becaze you've got a white heart, Roxy." "Jack, you're a dog-gone smart lover," said Levin. "I didn't think you had no kind of sense."

"No," returned Mavity Bence, with unwonted firmness, as she put the newcomer into the slip intended for her own son. "No, Laurelly, these clothes ain't loaned to you. I give 'em to this child. I'm a widder, and I never look to wed again, becaze Pap he has to have somebody to do for him, an' he'd just about tear up the ground if I was to name sech a thing.

Roxy she come, an' was gwyn to run away till she saw my flowers, an' she stopped a minute an' says I: 'I jest got 'em for you, Roxy, becaze I see you when you was a little chile. She tuk 'em an' says: 'It was very kind of you, sir, an' kercheyed an' melted away.

She would talk to me about her little troubles, an' I listened keerful as her mammy, becaze little things is what wimmin lives on, an' a lady's man is only a feller patient with their little talk. The more I listened the more she liked to tell me, an' I saw that Roxy was a-thinkin' a great deal of me, Levin, without she or me lettin' of it on.

But ef you help a feller with the idee of it a makin' you happy, it won't, somehow. It's like the card player a givin' a man money becaze he thinks it will fetch him good luck. I ricolleck one time I seed a big feller a bullyin' a po' little devil, an' I told him to quit an' he wouldn't, an' I whaled him.

Wonnell, I would like to have a bunch of magnoleys to put on Miss Vesty's toilet every day. 'I'll git 'em fur you, Roxy, says I, 'becaze I allus thought you was a little beauty. Says she: 'I'd give most anything to surprise Miss Vesty with flowers every day, rale wild ones! 'Then, says I, 'Roxy, I'll git' em fur you for a kiss! An' she most a-blushed blood-red an' ran away."

Wonnell, what do you put yourself at sech pains fur to 'blige a pore slave girl that ain't but half white? I thought a minute, so as to say something that wouldn't skeer her off, an' I says: 'Roxy, it's becaze I'm sech a pore, worthless feller that the white gals won't look at me! The tears come right to her eyes, an' she says: 'Mr.

You're puttin' on too many scollops, I tell you. You knowed all 'bout mud in the Wabash bottoms. You had 'nuff of it there, the Lord knows." "Yes, we had," replied Shorty; "but we was too well raised to track it into anybody's parlor." "Parlor," echoed Sol, with a horse-laugh. "Lord, how fine we are, just becaze one o' us happens to be a measly little Corporal.