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This very night we've been in a battle." He spat fiercely, and the light of war burned in his eyes. "It was the tinklers from the Garple Dean. They yokit on us about seven o'clock, just at the darkenin'. First they tried to bounce us. We weren't wanted here, they said, so we'd better clear. I telled them that it was them that wasn't wanted.

Well, one day Kerrigan was standin' chattin' wid his wife, when the shop-windy all at once wint dark, an' Kerrigan roars out, 'What for are ye puttin' up the shutters so airly? says he. An' faix, 'twas no wondher ye'd think it, for ould Hennessy of Ballybofey had fallen down in the street, an' it was the two good-lookin' feet of him stickin' up that was darkenin' the shop.

"He do give me a lot of worry; and it don't make things easier Damper's threatenin' to knock his 'ead off if ever he catches the man darkenin' our door. Never been to school, aven't you? I 'd like to tell 'im, and that, if there's a law, it ought to be the same for all. But all my children are 'ealthy, and that's one consolation." "'Ealth's the first thing in life," agreed Tilda.

I pinted out the metafor to Josiah. "Isle of Happiness?" he sez, sort o' dreamy like. "That's right. Serenus sez its everywhere, all over the place." "What place?" sez I, suspicion darkenin' my foretop. "Why, Coney Island," sez he, "that's the only Isle of Happiness I ever hearn tell on." I gin him a look.

"That's the sort of beast to have," exclaimed Uncle Beamish, spluttering as the snow blew in his mouth. "He is gettin' his spirits up just when they are most wanted. We must have passed Crocker's a good while ago, and it can't be long before we get to the pike. And it's time we was there, for it's darkenin'." On and on we went, but still we did not reach the pike.

He rides a black horse, and has a fine, big body and wears yeller boots. This afternoon when the day was darkenin' I saw him from the railroad bed, and I saw Flea's spirit a travelin' with him. I know that ye cared for her this long time back; but ye can't have her." "Who be the feller?" demanded Lem, frowning. "I said I didn't know, and I don't." "Were Flea with him?"

Morran, like a full-rigged ship, was hustled before it, so that Dickson, who had linked arms with her, was sometimes compelled to trot. "However will you get home, mistress?" he murmured anxiously. "Fine. The wind will fa' at the darkenin'. This'll be a sair time for ships at sea."

It's time we're wantin', and the longer they think we're a' in the auld Tower the better for us. What news o' the polis?" He listened to Sir Archie's report with a gloomy face. "Not afore the darkenin'? They'll be ower late the polis are aye ower late. It looks as if we had the job to do oursels. What's your notion?" "God knows," said the baronet, whose eyes were on Saskia. "What's yours?"

It was the old rhyme he had been trying to recollect, and it now came, tossed uppermost in the mind-quake which had shattered his intellect, buried matters of moment, and flung to the surface long hidden events and words of his youth. "'Bucca's a churnin' the waves of the sea, Bucca's a darkenin' the sky wi' his frown, His voice is the roll o' the thunder.