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"I wouldn't be minding myself what you said," said Kerrigan, "knowing well that you wouldn't be meaning any harm, whatever it was; though the girl's no match for him, and I wouldn't care for him to be carrying on with her, when it's a girl with a fortune he ought to get, and what's more, can get, whenever I choose to ask for her.

Wait another two or four or six years, like Paddy Kerrigan and the others." "Yes, I will not," growled Mr. Tiernan. "Wait'll the sixth." "No more, will I," replied Mr. Kerrigan. "Say, we know a trick that beats that next-year business to a pulp. What?" "You're dead right," commented Mr. Tiernan. And so they went peacefully home. Aileen's Revenge

These included a number of war films showing operations on the Western Front and productions of Fairbanks, Farnum, Billy Burke, Eltinge, Hart, Mary Pickford, Kerrigan, Arbuckle, Bunny and Chaplin. During May baseballs, gloves and bats have been supplied by the American Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoons religious services were conducted by chaplains of the American Force.

"What was the matter, Five?" asked Bonner, after being advanced and recognized, and the answer threw little light upon the subject. "I wish I knew, sir, but there was some one crying down there in the bush not five minutes ago." "Crying! You're crazy, Kerrigan!" "That's what I said, sir, when first I heard it, but whist now!"

He did not, indeed, get back for nearly half an hour. Kerrigan, very red in the face, and rather exhausted, was still blowing vigorously into his cornet when Gallagher and Doyle entered the back-yard. Gallagher went straight to business without wasting any time on preliminary politeness. "Will you stop that blasted noise," he said.

There are thirty-one wards in Chicago this election, and all but eight of them are nominally Democratic. I know most of the men that are in them now, and some of them are pretty shrewd men, too. This man Dowling in council is nobody's fool, let me tell you that. Then there's Duvanicki and Ungerich and Tiernan and Kerrigan all good men."

"I stand here to-day," he said, "as the representative of the people of this locality, and what I'm going to say now I'd say if the police spies of Dublin Castle was standing round me taking down the words I utter." Young Kerrigan had been obliged to stop practising "Rule, Britannia" on the cornet in order to eat his dinner.

"Sure I know that well enough; but the devil's in it that I can't get it right." "Listen to me now," said Dr. O'Grady. He whistled the tune shrilly, beating time with his hand. "Now, Kerrigan," he said, "try it after me." He whistled it again slowly. Kerrigan followed him note by note on the cornet. After a very short hesitation he got over the difficult passage. Dr.

"Back, ye damned kerrigan," and Bryde's voice was high like a bugle-note, and he sprang forward. "Dan McBride has the sailors on us," came a shout from Dol Beag, and then Dan's great voice, laughing, "Fall on, lads; fall on. Into them with the steel." "Fire," screamed Gilchrist "fire, or we're by wi' it," and the pieces burst and spattered round us in a wild confusion.

"He swallowed what I said far too easily. The situation, owing to Thady Gallagher's want of presence of mind, was complex, desperately complex. I got out of it as well as any man could, but I don't deny that the explanation I gave particularly that part about Mary Ellen being engaged to young Kerrigan, was a bit strained. I expected the American would have shied. But he didn't.