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In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed, and signed the same with my hand. Done at the city of Washington this day of A.D. 1842, and of the Independence of the United States the sixty-sixth. By the President: DANL. WEBSTER, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, April 22, 1844.

Given under my hand and the seal of the United States this 18th day of February, 1851. DANL. WEBSTER, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, March 3, 1851. To the Senators of the United States, respectively.

By the President: DANL. WEBSTER, Secretary of State.

Upson's dogs, dey'll trace me plum hyear; an' wat I is ter do I dunno; I jes prays constunt ter de Lord. He'll he'p me, I reckon, caze I prays tree times eby day, an' den in 'tween times." "Is your name Brer Dan'l?" asked Dumps, who remembered Uncle Bob's story of Daniel's praying three times a day. "No, honey, my name's Pomp; but den I'm er prayin' man, des same ez Danl' wuz."

Fitz Simons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouv Morris. DELAWARE. Geo: Read, Gunning Bedford, Jun, John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jaco: Broom. MARYLAND. James McHenry, Dan of St. Thos. Jenifer, Danl Carroll. VIRGINIA. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. NORTH CAROLINA. Wm. Blount, Richd. Dobbs Spaight, Hu Williamson.

After this the captain had fallen to practising his signature by way of start. "D. Coffin," "Danl. Danl. Coffin is my name England is my nation Falmth ditto ditto dwelling-place And hopes to see Salvation. After these exercises came a blank page, and then, halfway down the next, abruptly, without title, began the manuscript which I will call Captain Coffin's statement.