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The journey was most amusing, as although I was travelling incognito, I was recognised all along the route and was made a great deal of. Three gentlemen friends and Hortense Damain were with me, and it was a very lively little trip. I knew that I was not shirking my duties at the Comedie, as I was not to play again before Saturday, and this was only Wednesday.

Each pillar of the bridge that Charles built is crowned by the effigy of a saint or groups of saints, with most of whom, I regret to say, I am not acquainted. There are, however, some old friends Saints Ludmilla, Wenceslaus, Cosmas and Damain, and Adalbert who are intimately connected with the story of Prague.

I really could not answer the question, but Jarrett was quite prepared for this, and I learnt the following morning that I was most enthusiastic about the beauty of London, that I had already seen a number of the public buildings, &c. &c. Towards five o'clock Hortense Damain arrived. She was a charming woman, and a favourite in London society.

He asked me if I would care to have a ride the following morning, and he said he had a very nice lady's horse which was entirely at my service. I thanked him, but I wanted first to drive in Rotten Row. At seven o'clock Hortense Damain came to fetch me to dine with her at the house of the Baroness M . She had a very nice house in Prince's Gate.

What surprised me a little was the decollete of ladies who were getting on in years and to whom time had not been very merciful. I spoke of this to Hortense Damain. "It's frightful!" I said. "Yes, but it's chic." She was very charming, my friend Hortense, but she troubled about nothing that was not chic.

In Chester Square thou shalt live Rotten Row tu monteras In Rotten Row thou shalt ride Le Parlement visiteras Parliament thou shalt visit Garden-parties frequenteras Garden parties thou shalt frequent, Chaque visite tu rendras Every visit thou shalt return A chaque lettre tu repondras Every letter thou shalt answer Photographies tu signeras Photographs thou shalt sign Hortense Damain tu ecouteras To Hortense Damain thou shalt listen Et tous ses conseils, les suicras.