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Thus, for example, the lovely Cypripedium Fairieanum is so difficult to grow that few dealers keep it in their stock; by crossing it with Cyp. barbatum, from Mount Ophir, a rough-and-ready cool species, we get Cyp. vexillarium, which takes after the latter in constitution while retaining much of the beauty of the former.

Spicerianum which came upon the market, they found a number of capsules, and sowed them, obtaining several hundred fine plants. Pods are often imported on Cyp. insigne full of good seed. In the circumstances enumerated we have the explanation of an extraordinary fact. Hybrids or natural species of Cypripediums artificially raised are stronger than their parents, and they produce finer flowers.

It is very "hot" in the first place, and, in the second, its appearance would be still more effective if some white could be introduced; present it to Cyp. niveum and confidently expect that the progeny will bear cooler treatment, whilst their "dorsal sepal" will be blanched.

Schlimii × Cyp. longiflorum; curious as the single instance yet noted in which seedlings turn out identical, whichever parent furnish the pollen-masses. In every other case they vary when the functions of the parents are exchanged. For a long time after 1853, when serious work begun, Messrs. Veitch had a monopoly of the business.

Or again, Cypripedium Sanderianum, from the Malay Archipelago, needs such swampy heat as few even of its fellows appreciate; it has been crossed with Cyp. insigne, which will flourish anywhere, and though the seedlings have not yet bloomed, there is no reasonable doubt that they will prove as useful and beautiful as in the other case.

Here we may take the first implement at hand, a knife, a bit of stick, a pencil. We remove the pads, which yield at a touch, and cling to the object. We lay them one by one on the receptive disc, where they seem to melt into the surface and the trick is done. Write out your label "Cyp. Sanderianum × Cyp. Godefroyæ, Maynard." Add the date, and leave Nature to her work. She does not linger.

Some are rare to the degree that we may congratulate ourselves upon the chance which put a few specimens in safety under glass before it was too late, for they seem to have become extinct even in this generation. Messrs. Veitch give a few striking instances. All the plants of Cyp. Fairieanum known to exist have sprung from three or four casually imported in 1856.

Our young poet, too, one we raised in this place, Mr. Lindsay, and a superior article of poet, as we think, that is, some of us, for the rest of us are jealous of him, because the girls are all dying for him and want his autograph. And Cyp, yes, you must talk to Cyp, he has ideas. But don't forget to get hold of old Byles Master Gridley I mean before you go. Big head.

"And yet," I said, after reflection, "it's curious, but I never remember making a successful trip after altering plans at the last moment, that is, unless one was driven to it." "I vote we toss up," said Somers; "it gives Providence a chance. Now then, heads for the Golden Cyp, and tails for the elephants." He spun a half-crown into the air.

Collectors expect to find a new habitat of Cyp. purpuratum in Formosa when they are allowed to explore that realm. Even our native Cyp. calceolus has almost disappeared; we get it now from Central Europe, but in several districts where it abounded the supply grows continually less. The same report comes from North America and Japan.