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The Agnihotra, the Daisapurnamasa oblation, and other sacrifices, all of them have one and the same result, viz. the possession of the heavenly world; nevertheless, one and the same agent performs them all, with a view to the greater fulness of the heavenly bliss aimed at. So the different meditations on Brahman also may be cumulated with a view to greater fulness of intuition of Brahman.

David's clenched hand shot out, and in his blow was not alone the cumulated force of all his years of training but also of the one great impulse he had ever had to kill. In that instant he wanted to strike a man dead a red-visaged monster, a fiend; and his blow sent Brokaw's huge body reeling backward, his head twisted as if his neck had been broken.

Somewhat different was the theory of a Scotch physician, Maxwell, in the second half of the seventeenth century. The ethereal spirit, which is identical with light, can be artificially cumulated in any organism and that secures its health. As one man can influence this vivifying ether in any other man, he can produce cures even from a great distance.

Never did woman of rank step more triumphantly over the barriers which the cumulated custom of ages has built between the classes of society.

He went on, taking no notice of her. "How long were you in there?" she asked, after a while. "Ten year'." Adam spoke without looking back. "'Cumulated jobs, you know." "I was only two. Blankets it was with me. They recommended me to mercy." "You got it," Adam commented, with his eyes fastened ahead. The fog followed them as they turned into a street full of traffic.

Even among friends at the dinner-table he talked as though he were denouncing them, or someone else, on a platform; he measured his phrases, built his sentences, cumulated his effects, and pounded his opponents, real or imagined. His humor was glow, like iron at dull heat; his blow was elementary, like the thrash of a whale.

And I take a pleasure in feeling that the farm-practice over all the fields below me rests upon the cumulated authorship of so long a line of teachers. Young and Cobbett are full of their suggestions; Lancelot Brown has ordered away a great straggling hedge-row; and Sir Uvedale Price has urged me to spare a hoary maple which lords it over a half-acre of flat land.

Below that threshold, though actual processes, they are unknown to us. The teaching of modern psychology is that all mental action is at the start unconscious, requiring a certain bulk of stimulus in order to emerge into conditions where we become aware of it. The cumulated result we know; the minute factors which must be gathered together to form that result, we do not know.

This the next Sutra declares. But meditations aiming at objects of desire may, according to one's liking, be cumulated or not; on account of the absence of the former reason. The last clause means on account of their results not being of an infinite nature. Here terminates the adhikarana of 'option. They belong to the constituent members, as the bases.

It was as if she told the man across the desk that he had been her ideal, and that his actions had brought this ruin about them; as if all the sorrows of the world had cumulated in that ruin of faith. Dick looked down at her, and his nails bit into his palms as he fought off his desire to reach down and lift her to his arms.