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Then she showed Gretchen how to make a nice warm nest for the little stranger, close beside the fire, and when their breakfast was ready she let Gretchen feed the little bird with a few moist crumbs.

His method, of course, was the usual camp way of using fat salt pork melted down in the pan until it was sizzling hot; then placing in the fish, nicely covered with cracker crumbs, and allowing the fish to become browned all over, as well as fairly crisp before pronouncing them done.

Every concession made by the President to the enemies of slavery has only one aim; it is to mollify their urgent demands by throwing to them small crumbs, as one tries to mollify a boisterous and hungry dog. By such a trick Lincoln and Seward try to save what can be saved of the peculiar institution, to gratify, and eventually to conciliate, the South.

He and Betty Dalrymple breakfasted together on an old log; it wasn't much of a meal a few crackers and crumbs that were left but neither appeared to mind the meagerness of the fare. Then, prodigal-handed for a castaway who knew not where her next meal might come from, she tossed a bit or two to the birds, and was rewarded by a song.

Not a single cheerful note was audible in the abandoned dwelling but the twitter of the birds which still came morning and evening to perch on the balcony, for Arsinoe and the children had never neglected to strew the parapet with crumbs for them at the end of each meal.

Marillac was train-bearer to Gerfaut, and was rewarded for this bondage by a few bribes of collaboration, crumbs that fall from the rich man's table. They had been close friends since they both entered the law school, where they were companions in folly rather than in study.

Soon, in the silence, he heard a little wail of grief: "Why have they carried me away here," sighed the glow-worm, "out of the tender grass that loves the ground?" The littlest Jackdaw listened with all his heart. Now something at last was going to become true, without scratching his legs and making him feel as though crumbs were in his bed.

The little ones, to be sure, pecked a crumb now and then with a languid indifference. The blue jays as usual were brazen in their ingratitude for any dole of commonplace crumbs, while spicy seeds were still strewn by every scented breeze.

Look at him now, the good-for-nothing wretch! I've got to feed him and wash him just as if he were a pig!" And when the old woman had gone, a cock with red feathers would sometimes fly up to the window sill and looking into the room with his round inquisitive eye, would begin to crow loudly. Occasionally, too, a few hens would flutter as far as the foot of the bed, seeking crumbs on the floor.

"I know, Rabbi," and kneeling on the other side of the bed, he read the story slowly of a Tyrian woman's faith. "It is not meet to take the children's meat and cast it to dogs." "Dogs" they heard the Rabbi appropriate his name "outside . . . the covenant." "And she said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table."