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Quietly, unassumingly Rumbold stepped on to the scaffold in faultless morning dress and wearing his favourite flower, the Gladiolus Cruentus. It was exactly seventeen o'clock.

Gladiolus cruentus, blood red and white, pollenized with a selected Childsii variety resulted in the magnificent scarlet hybrid Princeps, acknowledged the first of its color yet produced. The latest species of importance to be widely used is G. Primulinus, recently found in the Zambesi Valley, South Africa. It is a vigorous species with narrow blooms, pure bright yellow in color.

G. Leichtlini, scarlet and yellow, allied to Saundersii, when crossed with cruentus, is a striking brilliant crimson hybrid of much vigor, but when blended with other species entirely loses its individuality.

Ischio-pubic muscle. Ithaginis cruentus, number of spurs in. Iulus, tarsal suckers of the males of. Jackals learning from dogs to bark. Jack-snipe, coloration of the. Jacquinot, on the number of species of man. Jaeger, Dr., length of bones increased from carrying weights; on the difficulty of approaching herds of wild animals; male Silver-pheasant, rejected when his plumage was spoilt.

For my own part, I cannot without grief see so much as an innocent beast pursued and killed that has no defence, and from which we have received no offence at all; and that which frequently happens, that the stag we hunt, finding himself weak and out of breath, and seeing no other remedy, surrenders himself to us who pursue him, imploring mercy by his tears: "Questuque cruentus, Atque imploranti similis,"

It consists of hybrids of G. Saundersii pollinated with the finest Gandavensis varieties. Lemoine's New Blue was first exhibited at the Chicago Exposition 1893 and placed on sale the following year. Gladiolus Princeps, Childsii x G. cruentus, the finest scarlet variety ever raised, was introduced in 1903. Gladiolus primulinus and hybrids were first publicly offered in 1909. Hybridizing Gladiolus.