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Mais que le Canada vint a etre conquis, et que les Canadiens et ces Colons ne fussent plus qu'une seul peuple, et la premiere occasion ou l'ancienne Angleterre semblerait toucher a leurs interets, croyez-vous, mon cher Cousin, que ces Colons obeiront?

They look upon the rush of improvement with calmness, though often with a sort of incredulity as to the agency by which it is brought about, and the righteousness of its existence. 'Mais, croyez-vous que le bon Dieu permettra tout cela? said one of them on seeing a train move along, dragged by no visible horseflesh, and propelled without birds' wings.

"Croyez-vous m'avoir humiliée pour m'avoir appris que la terre tourne autour du soleil? Je vous jure que je ne m'en estime pas moins." FONTENELLE: Pluralité des Mondes. That lofty criticism had caused Gwendolen a new sort of pain.

What has Breitmann to do with all this business?" "Will you permit me to polish my spectacles?" mildly asked M. Ferraud. "It's the deuce of a job to get you into a corner," Fitzgerald declared. "But I have your promise, and you should recollect that I know things which might interest Mr. Breitmann." "Croyez-vous qu'il pleuve?

After managing to utter this defensive "croyez-vous" which came out of her lips cold and faint as if in a last effort of dying strength, she felt herself turn rigid and speechless. She was thinking, stiff all over with emotion: "D'Alcacer has seen it! How much more has he been able to see?" She didn't ask herself that question in fear or shame but with a reckless resignation.

Mais, man seigneur, croyez-vous done qu'on fasse des revolutions avec de l'eau de rose?" The tone of his despatches is from first to last extraordinary. It would seem as if they ought to have told their own miserable tale of superficiality and unfitness to the Colonial Secretary.

A "dog's life" has become a synonym for suffering; nor does the associating him with another domestic animal (if a second proverbial expression may be trusted) appear to mend his condition; but ill as he may fare with the cat, his position is less enviable when man is co-partner in the ménage, against whose kicks and hard usage should he venture upon the lowest remonstrative growl, he is sure to receive a double portion of both for his pains; and thus it has ever been, for the condition of a dog cannot have changed materially since the creation. Being naturally domestic in his habits, he was born to that contumely "which patient merit from the unworthy takes," and can never have known a golden age. "Croyez-vous," (demanda quelqu'un

"Ah, that is not for me to know," declared d'Alcacer. "I can't tell you what he will do, but I know what will happen to him." "To him, you say! To him!" she cried. "He will break his heart," said d'Alcacer, distinctly, bending a little over the chair with a slight gasp at his own audacity and waited. "Croyez-vous?" came at last from Mrs.

I am afraid I demeaned myself, in fact, comment croyez-vous? Enfin il a consenti. Yes, I remember, he suggested that himself that it would be better to keep it quiet, for he had only come 'to have a look round' et rien de plus, and nothing more, nothing more... and that if they find nothing, nothing will happen. So that we ended it all en amis, je suis tout a fait content."

Never before had she spoken to a lady from town. She listened to hear Mdlle. Croyez-vous, ma chère, que cette nouvelle demeure vous conviendra?" "Oui," answered Adèle, greatly relieved that there was at least one person here who could talk in French. Then, while the lady occupied herself with a book, Adèle was busy picturing to herself the dreadful Miss Euston.