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I suggest that any man who mentions the Steynholme murder again before the coffee arrives shall be fined a sovereign for each offense, such fine, or fines, to form a fund for the relief of his hearers. Cré nom d'un pipe! Three intelligent men can surely discuss more interesting topics while they eat!"

She thinks of him wearing this next to his heart. 'Cre nom de Dieu! It was I that killed him a week ago!" He held up something in his hand, and the light through the estaminet window gleamed on it. It was a woman's lock of hair, like fine-spun gold. The two women gave a shrill cry of surprise, and then screamed with laughter.

You'll want it when the muscles stiffen. 'Cré nom d'un pipe! To think that I, Furneaux of the Yard, should queer the finest pitch I ever stood on." "Oh, come now, Charles," said Winter. "Don't cry over spilt milk. You'll catch Fenley all right before the weather changes. What really happened?"

They were unshaven, and their wet faces were smeared with the soil of the trenches. "How goes it?" said the French captain with me. "It does not go," said the French sergeant. "'Cre nom de Dieu! my men are not gay to-day. They have been wet for three weeks and their bones are aching. This place is not a Bal Tabourin. If we light even a little fire we ask for trouble.

'Take care of her, Madame, he said, 'and write me some news of her now and then through the War Office. It may reach me, or it may not! He kissed Angela's hand, looked into her eyes silently for a moment, and went out. 'Marche! 'cré nom d'un nom! screamed the parrot after him, as if he were going too slowly.

One time, coming upon him unawares, I saw his lips moving as though he were attempting speech to himself, but as soon as he saw me he set himself once more to his grim silence, and the look in his eyes reminded me somehow of Krok. On the seventh day, when the doctor asked his usual question, and I as usual replied, he said gravely, "'Cré nom-de-Dieu, I doubt if he will ever speak again.

Robert Fenley, and perhaps mother of a squalling Fenley, the head of the business could face the future if not with confidence, at least with safety. But where would Hilton be then? The girl lost, the money in jeopardy, and he himself steadily elbowed out. 'Cré nom! I've known men murdered for less convincing reasons." "Men, yes; not fathers." "Some sons are the offspring of Beelzebub.

"Je suis pere de famille!... Je suis un soldat de France!... Dans les tranchees pour cinq mois!... Qu'est-ce que mes camarades vont dire, 'cre nom de Dieu? et mon capitaine? C'est emmordant apres toute ma service comme brave soldat. Mais, quoi donc, mon vieux!" "Viens donc, saligaud," growled the agent de police. The crowd was against the policeman.

It is continuous with the outside skin of the body, as may be seen at the lips. Pan'cre as. The gland that secretes the pancreatic juice; located in the abdominal cavity near the stomach. Pan cre at'ic juice. An alkaline digestive juice poured by the pancreas into the small intestine; especially valuable in the digestion of starches, fats, and proteins. Per i to ne'um.

"All neurotics use Turkish cigarettes," he said solemnly. "Ah, I guessed it! A strong, vile, scented brand!" "Sometimes, my dear Charles, you talk rubbish," sighed Winter. "Maybe. I never think or smoke it. 'Language was given us to conceal our thoughts, said Talleyrand. I have always admired Talleyrand, 'that rather middling bishop but very eminent knave, as de Quincey called him. 'Cré nom!