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The club "papers" read under that roof constitute a literature all the nobler for the discretion that reserves it for atrabilious local criticism; the later editions of our jeunesse dorée have danced there and Boxed and Coxed as Dramatic Club stars on its stage. "Billy" Sumner once lectured there on "War" before the Contemporary Club, to say nothing of Mr.

This spectacle, as may be imagined, afforded intense gratification to the curious onlookers, and many and hilarious were the shouts which fell on the ears of the unlucky captain. "Oh, well coxed there!" one voice cried. "Well steered in a circle!" shouted another. "Mind you don't knock the bank down," yelled a third. "Pull your right there!" "Try him without the rudder.

"Nobby Clark 'im as jumped overboard in the Bandsmen's Race" was thereafter his designation among his fellows. The last race the All-comers did not justify universal expectation. The treble-banked launch was indeed coxed by the Chief Boatswain's Mate.

Merton was, if anything, under the middle height: fair, slim, and active. As a freshman he had coxed his College Eight, later he rowed Bow in that vessel.

"Bee-dad it's too thru; but I'll tell your hanur how it happened. I wus workin fur the last three days fur my lan'lady, which av coorse goes agin the rint; and whin I cum home yisterday evenin, throth, barrin I tuck the bit from the woman and childre, sorra a taste I could get so sis I, Biddy jewel, I'm mighty sick intirely, an I cant ate any thing. Well, she coxed me but I didn't.