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Beneath their fire in full career, Rush'd on the ponderous cuirassier, The lancer couch'd his ruthless spear, And hurrying as to havoc near, The cohorts' eagles flew. In one dark torrent, broad and strong, The advancing onset roll'd along, Forth harbinger'd by fierce acclaim, That, from the shroud of smoke and flame, Peal'd wildly the imperial name.

These riddles that lie couch'd within thy breast, Freely propound, expound; and for the rest Of thy mysterious lines, let them remain For those whose nimble fancies shall them gain.

It would be my business cavere ne quid detrimenti Respublica caperet, and wine is dangerous. On Saturday, April 4, I drank tea with Johnson at Dr. Taylor's, where he had dined. He entertained us with an account of a tragedy written by a Dr. Fitzherbert, who repeated to me two lines of the Prologue: "Our hero's fate we have but gently touch'd; The fair might blame us, if it were less couch'd."

The lads made a muster, and chose a committee to wait upon the General, who admitted them, and heard their complaint, which was couch'd in very genteel terms, complaining that their fathers before 'em had improv'd it as a coast from time immemorial, &ca.

"What is the matter, children? what is the matter, my brethren?" said Father Eustace, dismounting at the gate. The vassals dispersed with joyful acclamation, and the monks, with equal jubilee, conducted the Sub-Prior into the refectory. Here we stand Woundless and well, may Heaven's high name be bless'd for't! As erst, ere treason couch'd a lance against us. Decker.

"I shall now speak of the principal and constituent Parts of this Planet; to wit, the Sea, the firm Land; its Extrinsicks, as Meteors, Seasons, and Inhabitants." "I find, said his Excellency, you have forgot what you promised, the being concise; you have already couch'd what you are going to repeat, in Writing.

Judah shall have his brethren's praise, and they Shall bow before him; he his foes shall slay. Judah's a lion's whelp return'd from prey, He stoop'd, he couch'd, and as a lion lay; As an old lion, who shall dare molest, Or rouse him up, when he lies down to rest.

For thee again the horn shall sound, By mountain, stream, and tree; And thou, along the forest glade, Shall track the flying deer When, cold and silent, I am laid In chill oblivion here. Another voice shall cheer thee on, And glory when the chase is won. Lie down, lie down, my gallant hound! Thy master's life is sped; And, couch'd upon the dewy ground, 'Tis thine to watch the dead.

He felt it as a profanation to break upon that enchanted strain the susceptibility of his excited nature, the Greek softness and ardour of his secret soul, were swayed and captured by surprise. By the cool banks where soft Cephisus flows, A voice sail'd trembling down the waves of air; The leaves blushed brighter in the Teian's rose, The doves couch'd breathless in their summer lair;

The Crolians themselves were surpriz'd at it, and so closely had the Author couch'd his Design, that they never saw the irony of the Stile, but began to look about them, to see which way they should fly to save themselves. The Author was all this while conceal'd, and the Paper had all the effect he wish'd for.