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If ye does, it will be at the imminent risk of havin' this jug smashed over yer head, afther the whisky is all gone, which it very soon will be if a plug isn't put into your mouth." "Nice woman much good." "You may well say that, Mister Copperskin, and say nothing else. And it's a fine man is Mister Harvey, barring he runs me purty close once in a while on the moral quishtion.

Although it was closed season, they needed the meat, and game wardens were not likely to intrude. But when they came in sight of their camp they saw old Simon reclining in grandeur on their blankets, smoking. "The nerve of that buck!" snorted McHale. "Get off of that bed, you old copperskin. Think I want to wash them blankets?" Simon obeyed, but he drew a letter from his pocket. "Papah," said he.

"'Twas that owld Mahogany copperskin; but did I iver 'xpact he was up to sich a trick and he would niver have l'aved me a-fishing. Oorah, oorah!" he muttered, gnashing his teeth together. "What a miserable fool I have been. He to come here and insult me mistress after professin' the kindest regards. May I be made to eat rat-tail files for potaties if iver I trust red-skin honor again!"

"It was a dirty trick, freeze me if it wasn't; but you can allers find a white man to do a mean trick, when you can't a copperskin; that you may set down as a p'inted fact, Teddy." "I belaves ye, Mister Tim.

If you don’t see us to-morrow, send our clothes to Port Royal.” They then quietly submitted. We returned through the rooms entered, and on turning into the passage leading to the street, we encountered Master Copperskin.

Copperskin, was the maans of gittin' me in this trouble." "Me make you drink him?" asked the savage. "You not ax for jug, eh? You not want him?" "Yes, begorrah, it was me own fault. Whisky is me waikness. Its illigant perfume always sits me wild fur it.

I walked on, met, and passed Tom, who remarked upon the improbability of the copperskin showing up again; and then I continued my patrol slowly round the house, past the court-yard, where all was still, and at last found Tom where we had parted from my uncle. "Seen anything, Tom?" I said. "Lizard cutting up the verandy, Mas'r Harry, and a bee-bird buzzing about over the flowers: nothing else."