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"Nothing is here for tears; nothing to wail Or knock the breast; no weakness or contempt." And I found him less that One with the grand tragic visage, whose words so often quiver with unshed tears, who went forth upon his journey .... pei dolci pomi Promessi a me per lo verace Duca; Ma fino al centro pria convien ch'io tomi: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle,

Vassi in Sanleo, e discendesi in Noli, Montasi su Bismantova in cacume Con esso i piè; ma qui convien ch'uom voli. Of a truth, our horses seemed rather to fly than scramble up and down these rugged precipices; Visconti cheerily animating them with the brave spirit that was in him, and lending them his wary driver's help of hand and voice at need.

Fate il passo secondo il gamba don't stretch your legs farther than the bedcover goes, and don't do more, nor less, than what is right for your Marianna. Don't shut her up like a prisoner. Don't turn your house into a gaol. Asino punto convien che trotti one who has started on the road must go along.

Chi di gallina nasce, convien che rozole. As the old cock crows, so crows the young. Those who have visited Italy give us an agreeable picture of the cheerful industry of the children of all ages in the celebrated city of Naples. Their manner of living and their numerous employments are exactly described in the following "Extract from a Traveller's Journal." *

Vassi in Sanleo, e discendesi in Noli, Montasi su Bismantova in cacume Con esso i piè; ma qui convien ch' uom voli. Of a truth, our horses seemed rather to fly than scramble up and down these rugged precipices; Visconti cheerily animating them with the brave spirit that was in him, and lending them his wary driver's help of hand and voice at need.

For me the spirit of a world not his whispered, "A te convien tenere altro viaggio," and little as I knew it, in my vague exploration of that scene of beauty, of those scarcely stirring, stilly burning trees, of that shimmering-fronded fern, of that misty splendour, I was hunting for the soul of it all, for the informing spirit of it all. Harkness's erotics gave ardour to my search, but no clew.

"True I had forgotten. I'll sing instead. Fishes, I have been told, are fond of music. 'Fanfan, je vous aimerais bien; Contre vous je n'ai nul caprice; Vous êtes gentil, j'en convien...." "Come, now!" I exclaimed pettishly, "this is really too bad. I had a bite a most decided bite and if you had only kept quiet".... "Nonsense, my dear fellow!