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Renshaw hez contractin' business, sez I; 'got a big thing up in Sacramento that'll make his fortun','sez I for I wasn't goin' to give yer away, don't ye see? He had some business to talk to you about the ship, sez she, lookin' at me under the corner of her pocket-handkerchief. 'Lots o' business, sez I. 'Then I reckon he don't care to hev me write to him, sez she.

Renshaw go, father, sez she; 'wot makes everybody run away from the ship? sez she, rather peart like and sassy for her. 'Mr. Renshaw hez contractin' business, sez I; 'got a big thing up in Sacramento that'll make his fortun', sez I for I wasn't goin' to give yer away, don't ye see.

"Sent for my wife and two children the next year; wife died same winter, change bein' too sudden for her, and contractin' chills and fever at Sweetwater.

McCullough paused and filled his pipe with elaborate care, "Th' last time I see him he was in th' buildin' an' contractin' line carryin' a hod an' pushin' an Irishman's buggy . . . There's but, aw hell! what's th' use o' talkin'?" he concluded disgustedly. "No! times ain't what they was, by gum! rough stuff an' all things was run more real reg'mental them days not half th' grousin' either."

Caesar had his Brutus; that king of Shakespeare's Leary, I think you call him had his own daughters go back on him; Platt had his Odell, and I've got my "The" McManus. It's a real proof that a man is great when he meets with political ingratitude. Great men have a tender, trustin' nature. So have I, outside of the contractin' and real estate business.

"I'll make the tea, sir, an' also some of my own perticler cakes, bein' a special kind I 'ave, which my mother showed me 'ow to make, 'avin' been taught by a lady as she nussed thro' the scarlet fever, tho' bein' of a weak constitootion, she died soon arter, bein' in the 'abit of contractin' any disease she might chance on." Brian hurried off lest in her Poe-like appreciation of them, Mrs.

"No!" cried his father, delighted. "Don't tell me you're goin' to keep your word about dates! That's no way to do contractin'! Never heard of a contractor yet didn't want more time." "They'll be all ready for you on the minute," said Jim. "I'm going over both of 'em now, with Links and Sherman, from foundation to roof. I guess they'll pass inspection, too!"

He just streaked it up that runway and into his old stall like he was a prodigal son come back from furren parts. "Yes, Tim he's out on the truck with his old team. Tim don't have to drive nowadays, you know. Brother of his that was in the contractin' business died about three months ago an' left Tim quite a pile.

"Now what I'm contractin' for," he'd say, "is just only your time an' whatever part o' your thinkin' apparatus as is needed in doin' YOUR share o' my business. If I detail you to sit in the shade an' count clouds, I don't want no argument, I want the clouds counted. When I don't specially express a hungerin' for any of your advice, that's the very time when you don't need to give any.

There's Hero O'Brien, that wud've inlisted if he hadn't been too old, an' th' contractin' business in such good shape. There's Bill Cory, that come near losin' his life at a cinematograph iv th' battle iv Manila. They're all here, bedad, r-ready to sarve their country to th' bitter end, an' to r-rush, voucher in hand, to th' city threasurer's office at a minyit's notice.