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"'Sides," went on the skipper, chewing his cheroot, "I guess if I'd wanted that old corpse of yours, I'd have yanked Bolton overside, and set down the accident to bad weather. Better fur me to loot the case aboard than to make a fool of myself ashore. No, sir, H.H. don't run 'is own perticler private circus in that blamed way." "H.H. Who the devil is H.H.?" "Me, you bet.

She tried to remember all she could of what her mother had taught her, and got through fairly creditably. "Now," said Mrs. Perry, when that wonderful, glorious meal was at last ended, "where did you think of going for the night?" "I don't know," sighed Huldah, wistfully. "I hadn't thought of anywhere perticler. I daresay there's a rick or a hedge we can lay down under.

You parliament gentlemen must hauve a vaust deal of trouble on your haunds very foine property I understaund yours is, sir. Sir, allow me to drink the health of your good lady!" "I thank you, Mr. , Mr. , what did you say your name was? I beg you a thousand pardons." "No offaunce in the least, sir; no ceremony with me this is perticler good madeira!" "May I ask how I can serve you?" said Mr.

You parliament gentlemen must hauve a vaust deal of trouble on your haunds very foine property I understaund yours is, sir. Sir, allow me to drink the health of your good lady!" "I thank you, Mr. , Mr. , what did you say your name was? I beg you a thousand pardons." "No offaunce in the least, sir; no ceremony with me this is perticler good madeira!" "May I ask how I can serve you?" said Mr.

The middle one was a birch with a long bare trunk, an' on each side stood a pine. Now, I want you gentlemen to pay perticler 'tention to just how they stood; for them three trees is goin' to do a mighty lot o' figgerin' in this here story.

"This is serious," he said sternly, "and if it wasn't that the young ladies perticler asked me not to, I'd clap the handcuffs on the lot of you for it, and as like as not you'd get a week in jail, and have your jackets warmed with that there cat-o'-nine-tails you may have heard tell on. Don't you think, miss," turning to Esther with a very grave face, "as 'ow I'd better, after all?"

But a man with cheeks ruddy from the sting and lift of the morning air; all the worn, haggard look gone from his face. "Wall, I swan!" shouted the trapper to Holcomb, as he came near enough to shake his hand, "you warn't perticler 'bout the way you come, Billy. If your friend ain't dead beat it ain't your fault." "I hadn't any choice, Hite," laughed Holcomb.

For my pawt, I think servants hauve the longest pair of ears of auny persons, not excepting jauckasses; their ears stretch from the pauntry to the parlour. Hush, sir! perticler good madeira, this!" "Sir!" said Mr. Beaufort, struggling to preserve, or rather recover, his temper, "your conduct is exceedingly strange; but allow me to say that you are wholly misinformed.

Ketley smiled and glanced at Esther, who had told Charles to serve some customers, and was listening as intently as the rest. "I'd 'ad a nice bit of supper, and was just feeling that fresh and clear 'eaded as I was explaining to you just now is required for the reading, thinking of nothing in perticler, when suddenly the light came.

Folks don't keep stuff like that whar he kep' it 'less it's sumpin perticler. Somebody'll find him in the woods some time with a hole in him." Holcomb laid the powder on the table. What he suspected he dared not formulate into words, let alone tell the hide-out. "I ain't never forgot ye, Billy, for what ye've done for me," continued the hide-out with a choke in his feeble voice.