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They were out in the street again, striding back to New College: Roy not yet alive to the change in him full of it all; talking nineteen to the dozen. But Dyán's urgent heart spoke louder than his cousin's voice. And all the while he kept wondering consumedly Was it Roy? He could not bring himself to ask outright. The answer would madden him either way.

And finally, Caesar confessed that he had been betting, that he had won, following Scaife's advice, and then had lost. The loss was greater than the gain, and the difference, some five and twenty pounds, had been sent to Scaife's bookmaker by Scaife. As before, Scaife ridiculed the possibility of such a debt causing his pal any uneasiness, but it chafed Desmond consumedly.

Outside, in the moonlit court, he stood, threw back his head and laughed, not loudly but consumedly. He was remembering her white face of mute astonishment. She looked almost as if his compliment had given her sharp pain. Morena went laughing to his room in the opposite wing. He wanted to describe the interview to his wife.

There was nothing to be seen, even with the glass, save a light scum covering the water and some fragments of charred tree branches. But the air about us was full of a fine dust that powdered Betty's hair, as though for a costume ball, and made me cough consumedly.

It was lighted by hanging lanterns which threw queer, moving shadows in all directions, and stank consumedly. 'Are we hogs that we should be given our swill in such a sty? asked my father, explosively, of some subordinate member of the crew whom we met as we reached the open deck. 'I dunno, matey, replied this innocent. 'Feelin' sickish, are ye? You've started too soon.

In the House of Commons, the member addressing the assembly is like the wind which passes through an Æolian harp. You cannot utter a word which does not produce its full and immediate response. You say a thing which has the remotest approach to an absurdity in it, and the whole House laughs consumedly and immediately.

Yes, I have it here, all done up in tow, as snug as a bird's egg, to keep it from jarrin, for it hurts 'em consumedly to jolt 'em over them are etarnal wooden bridges. But its no use to take it out, it aint for sale, its bespoke, and I would'nt take the same trouble to get another for twenty dollars.

We keep to the old faith we of Lichfield, who have given hostages to the past. We remember even now that we gave freely in an old time, and did not haggle.... And so, we are proud yes! we are consumedly proud, and we know that we have earned the right to be proud." A little later Colonel Musgrave said: "And yet it takes a monstrous while to dispose of our universe's subtleties.

To Bennington's vast surprise, the features of Jim Fay were discovered. He approached and began sullenly to undo the young man's pinioned arms. The others rolled up their masks and put them in their pockets. They laughed to each other consumedly. The tall man approached, rubbing his jaw.

There have been many vicars who have drunk well and eaten well; others who have blessed abundantly and chuckled consumedly; but all of them together would hardly make up the sterling worth of this aforesaid vicar; and he alone has worthily filled his post with benedictions, has held it with joy, and in it has consoled the afflicted, all so well, that no one saw him come out of his house without wishing to be in his heart, so much was he beloved.