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Fashionable Paris, Paris of the turf and of the town, admired the ineffable waistcoats of this foreign gentleman, his spotless patent-leather boots, his incomparable sticks, his much-coveted horses, and the negro servants who rode the horses and who were entirely slaves and most consumedly thrashed.

"There is some wheaten straw out there which you can bring in for a bolster, if you will. But I think it likely that we shall get no more sleep than the mouse in the cat's dining-room this night. These border rascals are apt to be restless in the dark hours, and their knives prick most consumedly sharp!"

"Why, that I got two hundred dollars for writing it." "You wrote it?" exclaimed Millard, not concealing his opinion that Bradley was not a suitable person to give lessons in politeness. "You see I was offered two hundred for a book on manners. I needed the money most consumedly.

They sat down in their usual positions, heads bent, hands folded on the middle of their clean white aprons; feet tucked carefully out of sight; there was no outward sign of irreverence or inattention in their demeanour, but Miss Briskett felt, that every single woman of them was absorbed utterly, consumedly absorbed in casting sly glances at that distracting white vision in the easy chair; at the dully glowing hair, the floating folds of white, the tiny, extended feet.

"I suppose you are wondering what it's all about?" she said. This was precisely what George was wondering most consumedly. "No, no," he said. "Not at all. It's not my business." "And of course you're much too well bred to be inquisitive about other people's business?" "Of course I am. What was it all about?" "I'm afraid I can't tell you." "But what am I to say to the cabman?" "I don't know.

Aristophanes, a pious conservative, was always laughing consumedly at the Greek gods, and the Greek gods were supposed to be in the joke. The theatrical season was sacred to the deity of wine and fun, and he, with the other Olympians, was not scandalized by the merriment.

"We will walk home on the stilts, with a revolver and a sewing-machine tied on to each stilt, and a tennis-racket and a camera on our backs, and six bull-dogs trotting after us." This flight of fancy made everyone laugh consumedly: "We must go home now, anyway," Prudence said, as she dried a tear, "because it is getting on for tea-time and we have got to get dressed.

"We shall need you soon, to write an epithalamium." "You are to be wed, Magnificent?" quoth I at last, at which he laughed consumedly. "Nay, we shall need the song for my sister's nuptials. She is to wed the Lord Ignacio Borgia, before Christmas." "A lofty theme," I answered with humility, "and one that may well demand resources nobler than those of my poor pen."

"He has either painted his face, or he is consumedly sick," thought the old Judge. The light had shown more effectually upon his features as he turned to leave the room with a low bow, and they looked, he fancied, unnaturally chalky. "D him!" said the Judge ungraciously, as he began to scale the stairs: "he has half-spoiled my supper."

I wanted consumedly to knock the fellow down. However, I controlled myself. "What's your offer?" I asked. "It's this." He was obviously relieved, positively swelling in his tolerant, good-humored patronage. "I said once before I was sorry for you, and that still goes; we won't be hard on you if we have got the whip-hand, Mr. Bayne.