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"You have seems as though," she said, and blushed. It was coming. She recognized the signs. "I been a-comin' on purpose," said Scattergood. "Do tell," said Mandy. "Yes, ma'am. It's like this: I own a hardware store and some other prop'ty; not a heap, ma'am, but some. It's gittin' to be more. I calculate, some day, to be wuth consid'able.

"It was a pretty consid'able gloomy sort of a place, that are old mill was. There was a great fall of water that come rushin' down the rocks, and fell in a deep pool; and it sounded sort o' wild and lonesome: but Cap'n Eb he knocked on the door with his whip-handle, and got in. "There, to be sure, sot old Cack beside a great blazin' fire, with his rum-jug at his elbow.

I couldn't understand her, she didn't seem like the same old Barbie; but the more I hinted the more froze-up she got, so I dropped it. Then I told her that I had found out that Dick was even worse'n this one; an' she opened up on me an' we had a purty square-off talkin' match. She wouldn't listen to me, an' she wouldn't pay any heed to my suggestions; an' I was consid'able out of patience.

"I've seen some pretty hard times on this island," he said, "but none like this here. I've thought it over some, and I'd like to make a suggestion. My son Will is over on the back of the island pickin' dulce. The market fer that is good he's even got ten cents a pound this summer. This is the month of August and winter is consid'able ways off. How about all hands turnin' to an' pickin' dulce?"

At least she'll try her a spell 'n' see how she behaves, 'n' whether she's good comp'ny for her own little girl that's a reg'lar limb o' Satan anyway, 'n' consid'able worse sence she's had the scarlit fever, 'n' deef as a post too, tho' they're blisterin' her, 'n' she may git over it.

That'll mount to a consid'able sum every year, eh?" "It'll amount to so much," said Johnnie, gazing ruefully at his client, "that there'll be the devil to pay. You'll pull every railroad in the state down around your ears." "Let 'em drop." "And I don't know if the law'll hold water even if you got it passed. It's darn-fool legislation, Mr. Baines but some darn-fool legislation sticks.

"Some o' you go to hell!" sez I. "If ol' Monody here wants to die with his clothes on he's sure goin' to do it or else the' 's goin' to be consid'able more funerals on this place than we've already had. Now you git!" The Dock, he was the first to go, an' then the rest o' the boys filed out. "You're square, Happy," sez Monody, after they'd gone.

I hain't ben runnin' the Eagle tavern fer quite a consid'able while. You got the wrong pig by the ear as usual. Jest you pitch into him," pointing with his fork to John. "It's his funeral, if anybody's." "Wa'al," said Aunt Polly, addressing John in a tone of injury, "I do think you might have let somebody know; I think you'd ortter 've known " "Yes, Mrs.

Harum, whose admiration was unbounded. "Did I tell you," said David to Dick Larrabee, "what happened the last time me an' John went ridin' together?" "Not's I remember on," replied Dick. "Wa'al, we've rode together quite a consid'able," said Mr. Harum, "but I hadn't never said anythin' to him about takin' a turn at the lines.

Surely by now that leading boat must be getting close to the schooner so that the transfer would soon be an accomplished fact, after which the return trip was due to be started which was when they meant to break into the game. "Ginger pop! if I don't ketch the grumble o' a second tug further away, and I guess now a consid'able bigger craft than the leadin' one.