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Steve an' Rufus was little boys then, always playin' with a couple o' wild cousins o' theirn, consid'able older. Steve would scare his mother pretty nigh to death stealin' away to the mill to ride on the 'carriage, 'side o' the log that was bein' sawed, hitchin' clean out over the river an' then jerkin' back 'most into the jaws o' the machinery."

Cawcawee! cawcawee! kind of an aggravatin' holler! But I like it, ruther. It allers 'minds me of a bustin' good feller that was deown here from Canada once". "How remind you of him?" inquired John. "Well, he cam' deown on bissiniss, but he ran afowl o' me, and we was eout in the woods together, consid'able. He used to set eoutside the camp, bright, starlight nights, and sing songs, and sech.

The reins were sagging over the dashboard, held loosely between the first two fingers and thumb of his left hand, while with his right he had been making abstracted cuts at the thistles and other eligible marks along the roadside. "Wa'al," he said at last, "we was married, an' our wheels tracked putty well fer quite a consid'able spell.

She's got all that prop'ty that got itself into trouble to look after, and she's got them ladies, her old friends, that's been in San Diego all winter, to go home to New York with her. You better stop frettin' and lookin' out o' winder, and pick up your things. You've lots more 'n I have and that's sayin' consid'able. The way that Mr. Ford moves makes other folks hustle, too! Hurry up, do!

I've no patience with sech." "Her daughter won't be able to halter-break these wild colts." "Didn't I say that Alethea-Belle took after her father? She must hev consid'able snap an' nerve, fer she's put in the last year, sence Abram died, sellin' books in this State." "A book agent?" "Yes, sir, a book agent." If Mrs.

"Yes." "Sit down." "Thankee.... Come to do a mite of business with you. Interested in pulp, hain't you. Quite consid'able interested?" "Very much." "Know the Higgins's Bridge Pulp Company?" "Of course. Understand they're in difficulties." "In some, and goin' to be in more. That's why I come down."

I was all tuckered out tryin' to mislead 'em and deceive 'em and sidetrack 'em; but the minute I got where I wa'n't put under a microscope by day an' a telescope by night and had myself TO myself without sayin' 'By your leave, I begun to pick up. Cousin Cyrus is an old man an' consid'able trouble, but he thinks my teeth are handsome an' says I've got a splendid suit of hair.

Neckart had just made up his mind that Sutphen and the two Lantrims were as shrewd, common-sensed witnesses as he had ever examined. He was hungry too, and as they ate together he borrowed Sutphen's clamp-knife, and told some capital stories, and handed about his cigars when they had all finished. "I misjudged that black-a-vised fellow," said Ichabod to Lantrim. "He's consid'able of a man."

The' wasn't a great deal escaped my eye, 'cause I begun to notice purty tol'able young that experience is consid'able like a bank account: takes a heap o' sweat to get her started, but she's comfortable to draw on in a pinch. Ol' man Judson was a curious affair, had his own way o' doin' every blessed thing, an' whenever he hired a man he always went through the same rigamarole.

"It cost the three of 'em less 'n three thousand dollars for the three passels," said Scattergood. "Prices have gone up," said Wangen. "Give them two hundred dollars profit apiece," said McKettrick. "Consid'able difference between givin' it and their takin' it," said Scattergood. "I agree with that," said Wangen.