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Here's Captain Congleton coming, I daresay he'll be willing to escort me. He. Goose! Between us, too! Damn Captain Congleton. She. Chivalrous Knight. Is it your habit to swear much in talking? It jars a little, and you might swear at me. He. My angel! I didn't know what I was saying; and you changed so quickly that I couldn't follow. I'll apologise in dust and ashes. She.

Coxwell has done well to record one aerial adventure, which, while but narrowly missing the most serious consequences, gives a very practical illustration of the chances in favour of the aeronaut under extreme circumstances. It was an ascent at Congleton in a gale of wind, a and the company of two passengers Messrs. Pearson, of Lawton Hall was pressed upon him.

'Berryton oh! that's just four miles out on the other side of Elbury, where Susan Congleton went to live that was housemaid at the Grange. She says it's such a nice place, and such beautiful organ and singing at church! And what did you say you were to be, Paul? 'I'm to help the school-master. 'Gracious me! cried Ellen. 'Why, such a scholar as you are, you'll be quite a gentleman yet, Paul.

Before daybreak Murray had sent on a force of Highlanders under Colonel Ker towards Newcastle, to maintain the illusion that the Stafford road was the one the Prince would take, and the vanguard of this force, under Maclachlan, had saved us at the "Red Bull." Murray himself was marching from Congleton across country to Leek, while the Prince was marching thither also from Macclesfield.

It contained Congleton butterscotch, reputed a harmless sweetmeat. "Good!" he cried, "good! Oh! Thanks, mother." "Now don't begin eating them at once." "Just one, mother." "No! And how often have I told you to keep your feet off that fender. See how it's bent. And it's nobody but you." "Sorry." "It's no use being sorry if you persist in doing it." "Oh, mother, I had such a funny dream!"

We’ll probably hear to-morrow what it’s all about.” But in the morning there was little more to be learned about the new-comer’s history and antecedents. Dr Congleton spoke of the matter to the two young men, with the pompous cough that signified extreme discretion. “Brought by an old friend of mine,” he said. “A curious story, Escott, but quite intelligible.

The engines and pumps were made by Mr. Albert Scragg, of Congleton, and the brick, stone, and builder's work was executed by Mr. Thomas Kirk. The waterworks were opened in the autumn of 1881, and since then have constantly afforded an abundant supply of water. There is also an independent gravitation system, also arranged by Mr. Blackshaw, for supplying an outlying part of the town.

It has a silk mill: it has a handsome church, which, however, is but a chapel, for the town belongs to some parish of another name , as Stourbridge lately did to Old Swinford. Macclesfield has a town-hall, and is, I suppose, a corporate town. We came to Congleton, where there is likewise a silk mill. Then to Middlewich, a mean old town, without any manufacture, but, I think, a Corporation.

His father belonged to an old Cheshire family, which purchased an estate in Ireland under Charles II., and from which had sprung Thomas Parnell, the poet, and Sir Henry Brooke Parnell, created Baron Congleton in 1841.

At the Town Hall is to be seen a "bridle" for a scold, which the ladies of the present generation are too well behaved ever to deserve. President Bradshaw, the regicide, was a Cheshireman, born and christened at Stockport. He practised as barrister, and served the office of mayor in 1637, at Congleton, of which he afterwards became high steward.