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I did only last week find a piece o' paper with a po'try verse on it in his hand-write on his little table. I suspicioned thet it was his composin', because the name "Mary Elizabeth" occurred in two places in it, though, of co'se, they's other Mary Elizabeths. He's a goin' to fetch that housekeepin' book up north with him, an' my opinion is thet he's a-projec'ing to show it to Mr. Burroughs.

Dodd, "an' most likely composin' a poem on 'Departure' or else breathin' into a tube to see if he's mad." She had taken her dismissal very calmly after the first shock. "A woman what's been married seven times, same as I be," she explained to Dorothy, "gets used to bein' moved around from place to place. My sixth husband had the movin' habit terrible.

There's old long-eared Lize that he's dead stuck on if he c'u'd write he'd be composin' a sonnet to her ears, like poets do to their lady love's callin' them Star Pointers of a Greater Hope, I reck'n, an' all that. Why, he'd ruther hold hands by moonlight with some old Maria mule than to set up by lamplight with a thoroughbred filly."

200th injianny VolunTer Infantry KiLD may, 15th 1864 He dide For His country The lord luvs a Braiv man "That's all right. Si," said Shorty coming up with his mouthful of hardtack and meat, and inspecting Si's work with critical approval. "You kin lay away over me and all the rest when it comes to writin' and composin'. And you know how to spell, too. I wish I had your education.

"I'm not so much throubled about th' naygur whin he lives among his opprissors as I am whin he falls into th' hands iv his liberators. Whin he's in th' south he can make up his mind to be lynched soon or late an' give his attintion to his other pleasures iv composin' rag-time music on a banjo, an' wurrukin' f'r th' man that used to own him an' now on'y owes him his wages.

"She is composin' some poetry onto you, Josiah Allen," sez I, in tremblin' axents; for I felt that if that skeme failed, I wuz undone, for I knew I had no ingredients there to get him a extra good meal. No, I felt that my tried and true weepon wuz fur away, and this wuz my last hope. But as I thought these thoughts with almost a heatlightnin' rapidety, I see a change in his liniment.

He borrowed where he could, an' one way with another, he accumulated enough capital ter pay that debt on the stipulated date, which was last Monday. Are you listenin', Kiddie? You're gazin' up inter them clouds as if you was composin' a poem to 'em, 'stead of cipherin' out the problem I'm puttin' in front of you." "I assure you I'm all attention, Isa," Kiddie averred.

Na, no in London; that's no my plan, but I would hae't within an hour's distance o' London, say five mile frae the market-place, an' standin' in a bit garden, whaur the geniuses could walk aboot arm-in-arm, composin' their minds." "You would have the grounds walled in, I suppose, so that the public could not intrude?"

Some folks die as is bound to be missed, an' some folks lives on as one 'ud be glad to see in their long 'ome peaceful at rest, forbye their bein' born so grumblesome like. Twitt 'ud be at 'is best composin' a hepitaph for Mr. Arbroath now!" As she said this the corners of her mouth, which usually drooped in somewhat lachrymose lines, went up in a whimsical smile.

His nod to Shoop was all but imperceptible. "I dunno, Jack. I'd hate to lose them notes." And the sheriff grinned. "Writing a song or starting a bank, Bud?" "Song. I was composin' it to Jack, drivin' in." And the genial Bud grabbed his hat and swept out of the room.