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We had fulfilled our duties as chaperones to the fullest extent, and had also got our own two ways in the end, which is always comfortin' to a woman. We found Miss Huff settled in a pleasant street in a good comfortable home, not so very fur away from the Fair ground.

Never no such happened before, I reckon. But you 'm doin' right by the man you love, an' that's a thought for 'e more comfortin' than gospel in a pass like this. A promise is a promise, and you've got to think of all your life stretching out afore you. Will's jonic, take him the right way, and that you knaw how to do a straight, true chap as should make any wife happy.

"Because you are a man, Spider Connolly, and white all through, and because to smash up this gang is going to be man's work." "Well, it sure ain't no job for Sophy the Satin-skinned Show-girl nor yet for two nice, quiet little fellers like you an' me." "We shan't be quite alone, Spider." "That's some comfortin', anyway!" "There will be Joe Madden, for one."

An' I know Mis' Toplady says she'd stayed with Mis' Banker Mason so much since then that she felt God had sort o' singled her Mis' Toplady out, to give her a chanst to do His work o' comfortin'. 'I've just let my house go, s'she, 'an' I've got the grace to see it don't matter if I have. Mis' Toplady ain't one o' them turtle women that their houses is shells on 'em, burden to back.

It was made of Miss Roberta's finest white flour, and eggs there were in it and butter, and it contained, besides, three raisins, an olive, and a prune. When the outside of the cake had been sufficiently baked, and every portion of it had been scrupulously eaten, the good little Peggy murmured to herself: "It's pow'ful comfortin' for Miss Rob to have sumfin' on her min'."

There could never have been a kinder guardian " "Nor a queerer, as I've gathered from your own talk. I never saw Margaret Dalrymple, and I never want to. Anyhow, nothin' can be done at present; but I've brought one comfortin' word across from the quarters with me, Gabriella." "What's that, Aunt Sally? Is Antonio better?" "Oh! bother Antonio. He'll get well, of course. That kind always does.

Lathrop," said Miss Clegg the next Monday afternoon, "I ain't goin' to stay here so late but what I go home in time to make Elijah something hot an' comfortin' for supper to-night.

"There's another, unless I disremember," snapped Mrs Climoe, "that forbids 'ee to covet your naybour's wife." While Mr Hambly sought for a gentle reproof for this, Mrs Penhaligon, pale of face, rested a hand against her gate-post, and said she very gently but in a white scorn "What is this talk of naybours, quarrelin' or comfortin' or succourin' or bearin' witness?

When it turns out to be Gabe Bearse or somebody like him I swear, and swearin' to me is like whiskey to some folks comfortin' but demoralizin'." So the bell having been removed, Jed did not hear the person who came into and through the outer shop. The first sign of that person's presence which reached his ears was an unpleasant chuckle. He turned, to see Mr.

Even if you don't take her now, it's my advice that you look at her sharp with the idea that if things don't turn out in Thompsontown as you'd like them to, it would be mighty comfortin' to you to pick her up on your way back.