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'Well, then, said he, 'let this child develop the man side of her first, so that she may have strength an' courage for all her journey. Everything that man sez has the ring o' truth in it, an' I didn't have much of a come-back, except to say that she was overdoing it.

There's a come-back left in dad yet, and . . . and if you or your hell-roaring old granddad think you can swallow the Temple outfit whole, like you've done a lot of other outfits . . ." Packard went out and slammed the door after him. "Damn the girl!" he muttered angrily.

Felix," he went on at length, "jest messes about all over the place at once, because 'e sees signs everywhere and don't know what to foller in partickler for fear of losin' hisself." Come-Back Stumper chuckled audibly, but Uncle Felix asked at once "And you, WEEDEN? What about yourself, I wonder?" The Gardener replied without his usual hesitation.

"You've said it," says I. "What I mind most, though, is that fresh gink with the searchlight. Say, Cap'n, why couldn't we turn ours loose at him as a come-back?" "Go ahead," says Captain Lennon, throwin' a switch.

It took all of the fortitude she could summon into her dauntless little bosom to maintain after days like this that there was still a "come-back" left in her father.

"There was no time " then stopped abruptly. She turned towards Come-Back Stumper; she gave him a hurried and affectionate hug. "And then," she asked, "what happened next?" Stumper returned the hug, including Tim in it too. "I found this fluttering in my hand," he said, and held up a small grey feather for them to admire. "It's the only clue I've got. The pigeon left it."

For Come-Back Stumper, crying that he saw a purple beetle pass across the world, proceeded to curl up as though he crawled into a spiral snail-shell and meant to go to sleep in it; Tim shouted in the darkness that he was riding a huge badger down a hole that led to the centre of the earth; and Uncle Felix begged every one to look and see what he saw, darkness or no darkness "the splash of misty blue upon the body of a dragon-fly!"

She sprang up just in time to catch a grin on his face. "You gutter-rat!" she said. "You aren't worth my telling you what you are. You wouldn't understand. You can't see anything but the gutter." He was perfectly unperturbed: "Poor stuff, kid. Weak come-back. Sounds like a drayma. But, say, listen, honest, kid, you got me wrong. What's the harm in a little hugging " She fled.

The other was a short, thickset, heavy-jowled man, with a great shock of sandy hair, and small black eyes that looked furtively out from overhanging, bushy eyebrows. "Well," Hamvert was saying, "the details are your concern. What I want is results. We won't waste time. You're to be back here by daylight only see that there's no come-back." "Leave it to me!" returned the Weasel, with assurance.

There's a week's salary due all around, too, besides the two weeks you'll get by giving notice. No use passing up any bets like that. So let's go, boys. I've got an appointment at one o'clock, and I may as well wipe the Acme slate clean this forenoon, so I can talk business without any come-back from Mart, or any tag ends to pick up. Grab your slickers and let's move."