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"I sha'n't try to do anybody else a kindness agin, if that's wot you mean," I ses, looking at 'im. "No, you'd better not," he ses. "This partickler bit o' kindness 'as cost you four pounds fifteen, and that's a curious thing when you come to think of it. Very curious." "Wot d'ye mean?" I ses. "Why," he ses, grinning like a madman, "it's just wot we lost between us.

'Me, Sir, replied Sam Weller, putting in his head. 'I can't speak to you just now, Sam, said Mr. Pickwick. 'I am engaged at this moment, Sam. 'Beg your pardon, Sir, rejoined Mr. Weller. 'But here's a lady here, Sir, as says she's somethin' wery partickler to disclose. 'I can't see any lady, replied Mr. Pickwick, whose mind was filled with visions of Mrs. Bardell.

''Cause said Sam, hesitating. 'Because of what? inquired Mr. Pickwick, alarmed at his follower's manner. 'Speak out, Sam. ''Cause, rejoined Sam ''cause I've got a little bisness as I want to do. 'What business? inquired Mr. Pickwick, surprised at Sam's confused manner. 'Nothin' partickler, Sir, replied Sam. 'Oh, if it's nothing particular, said Mr.

"Anyhow, I'm glad dey didn't put no hoister nor damper-getter wit' me. I'm partickler who I meet. De whole profesh is gettin' run down at de heel. I'm dead sick of rats who can't do nothin' but lift pokes," concluded the occupant of the lower berth with disgust. Though Clay's nerves were of the best he did very little sleeping that night. He was in a grave situation.

"Couldn't be partickler then. Had to lay down somewhar. Remember, after I'd been here an hour or two, some big yeller animal with yellerish-green eyes come starin' in at me through the bushes, angry and reproachful-like. Said to me plain as day: 'You've took my house. Git out. Felt like a robber, I did, slippin' into another man's bed while he wuz away, an' takin' up all the room.

"Yes," said Dick promptly. "You said twenty thousand dollars wasn't goin' to be thrown around recklessly. You said Cyrus had suthin' better to do with his capital," super-added Dick with gratuitous mendacity. "I disremember now what partickler investment you said he was goin' to make with it," he continued, appealing with easy indifference to his friend.

She'll be flyin' down here wi' the greatest joy, and will handle your pots and pans as poor me isn't able, and I'll be back to my dressmakin', not being of no manner o' use in tendin' a sick sister, who's that partickler, and full o' fuss Deb stopped here, catching sight of Gwen, and her face brightened as she turned to her.

At this declaration poor Barbara gasped and leaned back against her pillow. Alan stood silent, though his lips turned white, while Jeekie thrust his big head through the tent opening and stared upwards. "What are you looking at, Jeekie?" asked Alan irritably. "Seem to want air, Major, also look to see if clouds tumble. Believe partickler big lie do that sometimes.

You ask him. He'll let you come." Ike was wrong, for when I asked Old Brownsmith's leave he shook his head. "No, no, boy. You're too young yet. Best in bed." "Too partickler by half," Ike growled when I let him know the result of my asking. "He's jealous, that's what he is. Wants to keep you all to hisself. Not as I wants you. 'Tain't to please me.

We heard no sound, save that of the water grumbling and surging at our feet. We answered in the negative. "You hear it not? Ha, ha, ha! where are your ears? It is ringing in mine. All day I have heard it. Listen! there it is again!" "She's a mockin' us," muttered my companion; "thar ain't no soun' in partickler."