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I am also equally curious to know if anything eats the fruit of the red and white baneberry and the blue cohosh. The seeds of some wild fruit, such as the climbing bitter-sweet, are so soft that it seems impossible they should pass through the gizzard of a bird and not be destroyed.

Another prescription: Calcium chloride, two and one-half drams; syrup, fifteen drams; water, six ounces. Dose: One tablespoonful morning and night. MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES: Extracts of cramp bark, forty grains; blue cohosh, ten grains; Squaw wine, forty grains; pokeberry, twenty grains; strychnine, one grain. Make forty pills. Dose: One pill four times a day until relieved.

"An' shure ye don't need to write down what they're good fur, fur the good Lord done that Himself long ago. Luk here, now. That's Cohosh, fur spazzums, an' luks like it; that's Moccasin, fur Highsterricks, an' luks like it; wall, thar's Skunk-root fur both, an' don't it luk like the two o' thim thigither?"

She learned the uses and prices of the plant, and also made drawings of cohosh, moonseed and bloodroot. That was so wonderful in its root colour, the Harvester filled the little cup with water and she began to paint. Intensely absorbed she bent above the big, notched, silvery leaves and the blood-red roots, testing and trying to match them exactly.

The Injuns use it fur their bowels, an' it has cured many a horse of pole evil that I seen meself. "An' Blue Cohosh, only I call that Spazzum-root. Thayer ain't nothin' like it fur spazzums took like tay; only fur that the Injun women wouldn't live in all their thrubles, but that's something that don't consarn ye. Luk now, how the laves is all spread out like wan wid spazzums.

Bardwell Slote, of the Cohosh district, Indiana, made his first appearance on the floor yesterday. He experienced some difficulty in delivering his half dozen speeches on the various manuscripts in his trunks. The speaker was savagely oblivious. The Hon. Slote will add much to the gaiety of nations.

MENSTRUATION, PROFUSE: Extracts of white ash bark, two drams; black haw, two drams; cramp bark, two drams; unicorn root, one dram; Squaw wine, one dram; blue cohosh, one dram. Steep 24 hours in one-half pint of water, add one-half pint of alcohol. NEURALGIA OF WOMB: Fl. ext. henbane, two drams; Fl. ext.

You see it on cultivated plums, grapes, and apples, but never in any such perfection as on moonseed and black haws in the woods. You should be able to design a number of pretty things from the cohosh leaves and berries, too. You scarcely can get a start this fall, but early in the spring you can begin, and follow the season.

Having been a congressman gives him the right to the floor of the House or Senate. He will be found later on championing any bill that has money in it, no matter how patent the steal. This description of the Hon. Bardwell Slote, of Cohosh, is not in any way overdrawn. It is, in fact, conservative, If an exact portraiture of him were given, the ICONOCLAST would be unmailable.

UTERINE TONIC AND STIMULANT: Take Elixir of Helonias, which can be bought in drug stores, or get the following tinctures and make it at home: Partridge berry, ninety-six grains; unicorn root, forty-eight grains; Blue cohosh, forty-eight grains; cramp bark, forty-eight grains. Steep these for 24 hours in one-half pint of water, add one-half pint of alcohol, then strain and bottle.