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Et l'idee que vous souffriez tant de mal, sans qu'il me fut possible de vous offrir le moindre soulagement, m'a ete extremement penible. Pour un malade la lecture de mes 'Catacombes' ne me parait pas excessivement gai, mais je reconnais la votre aimable souvenir de l'auteur. Bref, vous etes en convalescence. Le soleil printanier, meme dans nos climats, luit d'un eclat extraordinaire.

Some Snow on the north hill Sides near the top and vegetation near 3 weeks later than in the river bottoms. and the rocky Mountains imedeately in view covered Several say 4 & 5 feet deep with Snow. here I behold three different Climats within a fiew miles a little before dark Hoh-hast-ill-pilt and the 3 old men & one other returned to our Camp and informed us the Canoe was a great way off and they could not cross this evening.

In 'King Arthur' occurs the famous 'Frost Scene, the close resemblance of which to the 'Choeur de Peuples des Climats Glacés' in Lulli's 'Isis' would alone make it certain that Purcell was a careful student of the French school of opera.

For as the same doe lie vnder the climats of Briton, Aniou, Poictou in France, betweene 46 and 49 degrees, so can they not so much differ from the temperature of those countries: vnlesse vpon the outcast lying open vnto the Ocean and sharper windes, it must in deede be subiect to more colde, then further within the land, where the mountaines are interposed, as walles and bulwarkes, to defend and to resist the asperitie and rigor of the sea weather.

The air is temperat and healthful about it, and it may be that the citizens owe the acuteness of their wits thereunto and their civill inclinations; the lyke not easie to be found under northerlie climats, damped for the most pairt with air of a grosse consistence."* But the old inhabitants of Aberdeen and its neighbourhood were really as rough as their soil.